You: nope
You: some trolls still here =D
Stranger: :D
Stranger: In that case, a wild pokemon appears
Stranger: Pokemon is distracted and engages in brutal buttfuckery with a young, unsuspecting, female prebuscent child!
Stranger: Buttfuckery was very effective!
You: young, unsuspecting, female prebuscent child uses AIDS. it's super effective!
Stranger: Pokemon goes to the witchdoctor, who says to rape a virgin for a cure, which he does.
Stranger: Virgin rape was very effective!
You: Virgins older brother appears! It uses sissy punch! It's not very effective.
Stranger: Pokemon uses gay interspecial rape. It was arousingly effective.
You: Virgins older brother evolves into a girl! Girl uses the pill! it's too late!
This string of words should not exist on team9000.
AIDS is not a funny thing... I know I am being uptight here... but I personally know a close one who has died from AIDS... also, rape is not funny either... This thread is very much disliked.
how so vorsprung?
Are you kidding?
Rape, AIDS and pedophilia are disgusting and should not be joked about.
Both you and this other troll have been abhorrently rude.
I am, frankly, appauled.
This thread needs to be deleted off the face of this Earth.
-1,000,000 respect.
geez... i was just randomly shouting a wild snorlax appears, and then he was a fellow troll, so i just followed along... didn't even know what i was saying half the time. ok?
geez... i was just randomly shouting a wild snorlax appears, and then he was a fellow troll, so i just followed along... didn't even know what i was saying half the time. ok?
You are responsible for your own actions and yours alone. What you said was gruesome, disturbing, inappropriate, and not a joke.
geez... i was just randomly shouting a wild snorlax appears, and then he was a fellow troll, so i just followed along... didn't even know what i was saying half the time. ok?
I suggest you change the snorlax rape story to "Wooty please remove this thread".
Alright, I have had enough of this thread. Downed_Foes, edit the original post to a lolcat photo and then Woot locks the thread. POOF. All better.