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BossNav Cool -> Builder


New Member
to make something clear, this is the start of the thread to go towards my promotion, i dont expect to get promoted straight away from this one build, even if it is awesome

anyway, i built a space station based off the international space station

i started off with the solar panels, connecting them to a central hub
solar panels.png

just used obsidian because solar panels are dark and so is obsidian...
solar panels2.png

i then went about constructing an observation deck
observ deck 1.png

hoever on the ISS the panes on the side are vertical not horizontal
observ deck 2.png

after that i constructed the living quarters
living quarters 2.png

complete with beds for that homey feeling
living quarters 1.png

and while the design isnt overly complicated the completed station is a sight to behold from the ground

thanks, will upload more when they get made :D
We generally promote to builder at around 40 hours in game time, so keep up the hard work. :)
just finished ryu
took screenshots at halfway:

and finished

also just to clarify, the canvas is 42x49