Brad Here.


Hey guys/girls, Name's Bradley, Almost 21 & I live in Scotland

Unemployed sadly, So I have plenty of spare time on my hands for friends,gaming & music

Turning 21 for me is a good/bad thing at the same time as I will be able to drink in all countries :D
The Bad thing is that I'm getting older,when the teen years are probably the best years you can have (So do tonnes of stuff)

Gaming - I play on PS3 & PC (numerous games)

Music - I like all types of music :)
I have been playing acoustic guitar for 2 years now and also I can play drums

I did a cover of "Ed Sheeran - A Team"
you can listen to it here -

You'll See in on the T9k Classic Server looking like this -

^ Made that skin myself a couple of days ago :)

The main thing you will see me build is Statues in the T9K server:
Notch Statue

Statue Of Myself

Not on T9K server creations I've Made:

Random Dog

Random Stuff

Enjoy! See you around.

Edit: Made Something New Today on T9K Classic Server
Wooden Hut
I'm Taco.
I'm 15.
I don't make different styles of electronic music.
I am the only Taco on the forums,
All others are impostors.
Welcome to the forums.
Fragmer joined the game? Is it just me, or is fragmer the creator of fCraft, the server software we are running on? :O
Fragamar has always been joining the server every now and then. We gave him the colored name because yes he designed fcraft for us. :P
Yea, i saw you a couple times on classic making yourself, i also saw that notch! well, make sure to hop on mumble some day cause THAT'S where the party's at, unless nobody is there.
I've been promoted to Cool rank for my creations :)

Thanks for the Welcome Everyone :)
I do go on mumble :D It is indeed a good laugh
Welcome BradW We are a good, good, good Team! Well We have Over a 9,000 peoples And don't forget!WE HAVE PONIES
So Welcome to T9k Enjoy ur stay!
I am fdebijl flutterbijl
I am dutch.
I like cheese.
I alway start my sentences with "I"
I know XHTML and Actionscript (Coding for flash)
I own pretty much every adobe program.
I do graphical stuff. (needs avatar? get in line :cool:)
I end my post here.