Brad Here.

Since sheep are awesome (-9001 BCE)

Wow, I only just heard of BCE/CE replacements for BC/AD, but never saw anyone use it before. Are BCE/CE taught in schools or are they just used to mock political correctness? When I went to school we were taught BC/AD; luckily I never talk about things which are old enough to need a suffix, otherwise I'd probably be offending people all over the place!
Wow, I only just heard of BCE/CE replacements for BC/AD, but never saw anyone use it before. Are BCE/CE taught in schools or are they just used to mock political correctness? When I went to school we were taught BC/AD; luckily I never talk about things which are old enough to need a suffix, otherwise I'd probably be offending people all over the place!
I'm in high school, they teach using BC/AD (sounds like a band :D ), but I always choose to be more correct with BCE and CE, since I'm not religious and prefer to stay neutral.

Guthix yo!
Wow, I only just heard of BCE/CE replacements for BC/AD, but never saw anyone use it before. Are BCE/CE taught in schools or are they just used to mock political correctness? When I went to school we were taught BC/AD; luckily I never talk about things which are old enough to need a suffix, otherwise I'd probably be offending people all over the place!
I was taught AD/BC all throughout school, and only used BCE/CE for scientific contexts. I.E: My Earth Sciences class used BCE but anywhere else it was BC.
In London, schools have been told to scrap the BC/AD and replace with the neutral BCE/CE (before common era/common era) as like people said not everyone has religious belief and BC/AD should not be forced on all pupils included in schools unless in a christian school or in some religious education classes

I myself , not religious at all but I don't stop others believing in what they want to
BradW said:
In London, schools have been told to scrap the BC/AD and replace with the neutral BCE/CE (before common era/common era) as like people said not everyone has religious belief and BC/AD should not be forced on all pupils included in schools unless in a christian school or in some religious education classes

I myself , not religious at all but I don't stop others believing in what they want to

This is also starting to be used In my school aswell. And I don't like it. Why? Because BCE takes longer to write.
Because BCE takes longer to write.

Also, I can imagine: "Oh no, my database of historical thingies represents the year using a numerical field plus a two character field, I can't fit 'BCE'". It's like the Y2K problem but the problem is kind of Year One instead. Oh no, I mentioned the name of a Jack Black movie, the shame :(
"Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep". < my girlfriend's dad's band actually sing that lyric for a laugh at times

they are a great band , they cover all the rock classics :)

jack black is awesome ..................
Haha I've used AD/BC all the way up until college, where magically it changed to BCE and CE which I thought was confusing. So I just kept using AD and BC because I'm religious and used to and don't really see a difference.
well there is a big difference aha , bc/ad is religious as it is the life period of a certain man...

and the other one is for non religious/neutral
I like how my welcome thread has went from me telling bout myself
to someone talking bout sheep
then to the correction of bc/ad to bce/ce

+ team9000 likes it's ponies....................
I like how my welcome thread has went from me telling bout myself
to someone talking bout sheep
then to the correction of bc/ad to bce/ce

+ team9000 likes it's ponies....................
its ok, we always get off topic around here x)