Brad Streaming


Well-Known Member
So i figured id stream from time to time whatever game im playing.
You can follow me on twiter @bracabrad for stream updates.
My ustream
I also play music or youtube vidoes for music.
Beware that some games i play do contain nudity, violence, language not for Kids and possibly NSFW.

As of this posting i am currently streaming.
Next stream Should be on Saturday around 7:20pm est. If you want me to play different music I'm working on setting up an online playlist people can upload to then songs can be voted on. If anybody know of a system like this already send me links. I want DJ Jetmike to do a live stream with me at least once.
Next Stream should be Sunday the 15th starting at (with out delays this time) around 8pm est. Might be a _T9k Game Nights_ event or just a bunch of us playing borderlands or something.
Know type of music will you be playing?

Dubstep. lots and lots of dubstep.
Next Stream should be Sunday the 15th starting at (with out delays this time) around 8pm est. Might be a _T9k Game Nights_ event or just a bunch of us playing borderlands or something.

Dubstep. lots and lots of dubstep.
So I will pretty much be hearing "DU DU DU DUMB DA BUM ZIZIZIZ BU BU BU BAM Fiwaz" the whole time?
So its been a long while but I'm Streaming on Twitch today. I'm Going to try to do it every Sunday and anytime I'm doing game night.