Brand New Squeeb-mobile XD


Well-Known Member
Initially I wanted a Smartcar, but I talked myself and my wants out of it. Being as we're trying to make little Squeeberators I don't think it would be too wise to have one.....And strap a Carseat to the roof because it'd probably have a better chance of survival up there than inside the cabin. So I ended up with a 2012 Hyundai Accent GLS, drove it off the lot with 11miles. I love it!

Hyundai's are nice.

Yeah my very first car was a 2006 Hyundai Elantra GT as a graduation present and it is now Godlib's car, I was the very first person to put any miles on it and now it has over 105k on it and I can proudly say it has never once broken down on me.
My buddy is a finance manager at a hyundai dealership and he swears up and down that they are the best cars on the road right now.
Conga rats! I'll stick to my toyota corolla though. It suits me nicely.

I was really considering getting a Corolla S, they had a nice red one......This is only from seeing it from across the road at the Hyundai dealership because I couldn't bring myself to try anything else. I stuck with what I know. Lol
Just for the indyness, I'd get myself a DMC-12. It's a shit-ass car, but it looks excellent.