Brand New Squeeb-mobile XD

Thank you. :thumbsup:

No. Who needs that when you are me?
...And incidentally, when did you re-surface? @_o
Because it's Kc's skin. That's just a really douche move.

And what's with all the dumb comments? Reviving dead convos, making really naive, useless statements....

I like his skin. I also like PyrofireDelta's.

I Revived ONE dead convo not two like you said. I did that to try to make everyone talk to each other again like earlier in the year. My Statements in my opinion majority are NOT useless, and overall I feel like your trying to make yourself higher than everyone. Which is not true, we are all equal except Wooty (oh and casham). So stop it. I think Kc would feel special if I wore his skin (with some adjustments of course). I have been here since early in the year. I did not post on the forums but it did view them. Ever since now that I cant play beta, I have been posting.

anyway we are here not to fight and have fun so please, just stop it.
Squeebz, conga rats on the new car. I was trying to get my wife to agree to get a newer car for me, but she shot me down. We bought new living room furniture instead...:cautious:

I like furniture too.....I would have chose new furniture if i would have already had a car that ran....But Godlib was using my first car to go to work in...So now I am no longer stuck at the house!