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*Built a Cool House!* ~ Read! (Promote?)


New Member
*Sorry for not putting my Username in the Title of the Thread, (Rule #1) just saw it afterwards* :sick:

Hello, I am MrLolcat7. :D I am kinda new to Minecraft in general, and I just got the Free Version about a week ago. But right now, I am getting the hang of it and starting to build some awesome things! I also love to help others build their creations. So as of now, I am trying to get promoted on your server! After I built this house, I asked "koolaid144" to check out my house, since I believe he is a Builder (He had the Light Blue Color) - and he did - and also showed me how to get here, etc. He's an awesome dude xD Anyway, here's some pictures of my house I made! ~ Sorry for the boring, long intro ~ :biggrin: :

^ (Pictures) ^

(More may come)

(Pretty good area around it, may want to check it out if it's still there xD)

~ Please respond as soon as possible! ~

P.S. - After the pictures, a griefer came and started to dig... Then I lost connection. This is my house, but I don't know if it is still there... hopefully in the same condition. :confused:
~ MrLolcat7
1) The game is called MineCraft.

2) I'll admit that your house looks nice for being your first build. However, I think you'll have to build more to get a promotion.

3) I find the format of your post to be very interesting. Most people tend to just post their pics and not give an introduction of themselves. ;)

4) Mods will do their best to keep the server grief-free. I went to your house in-game and saw that it was griefed. Make sure to let a mod know and they can take care of things for you. :)

5) Welcome aboard! :biggrin:
Lol ty! And yes, I understand that I need to build more, but this was my starting build for this server. Thank you so much for responding! And about the "Mindcraft" - huge typo xD Lol ty! :D

I will listen to your group's rules and follow up on greifings, etc.

Can't wait to start building on your servers in the future! ~ :biggrin:
supp MrLolcat7 and im here good job on ur house. though u kinda need to build a loittle more. post all r other builds in this same thread.