Chiba's Let's Play


Well-Known Member
Not the charity. I'm sorry to those who thought so.

This is going to be the thread where I post my Let's Plays, as to not over run the blogs with videos. I encourage anyone else who make lps, if I'm not the only one, to post their's here, so we can all watch it and such. Starting off this thread right, here's part one of my Spyro 1 lp:

New episode of Spyro today. Starcraft is on hiatus until Nuron gets his happy ass back here. As such, a new game will be started on the 26th, or 27th if you're in upside-down land.
Episode of spyro will be posted later today. I missed yesterday on purpose, so Spyro would be on the odd days of this month, since the new LP is starting on Monday.
This is the closest I have to a Let's play, a friend and I played some amnesia, highlighted some of our favorites and threw them in this video.
(If you actually like it, there is more to come.)

Posted on his account, not mine.
(I am the quiet one in the background.)

For the record, we were very tired when we played this. Mostly had no idea what we were saying.
And it may be hard to understand what we are saying
Not the charity. I'm sorry to those who thought so.

This is going to be the thread where I post my Let's Plays, as to not over run the blogs with videos. I encourage anyone else who make lps, if I'm not the only one, to post their's here, so we can all watch it and such. Starting off this thread right, here's part one of my Spyro 1 lp:

Sir/Ma'am, 1000000000000000000 Internetz to you. :D

As you probably see, I love the Spyro series, except for Skylanders. *shudder*

EDIT: Spyro 1 is prolly the least favorite of my favorites (Spyro's voice is kinda... well, plain bad in the first one).
I know that some people don't really like commentary in let's plays, so I will post those kind of let's plays. And I guess that choice will be good for my computer for it has some unusual problem with microphones. O.o Well... Until i get the computer itself to work. (still, don't expect pop-up messages on screen not to come,I just HAVE to say something sometimes)