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combo rank

You have to be an outstanding member of the community, lots of stuff done, and if that is not enough, bribe wooty. But really, I bet you have to be on mumble, so for us who it does not work, were stuck, other than that, I am not sure what else wooty wants, maybe he can tell you.
The server is still undergoing mass construction. I cannot reveal future plans, but I can say that there is going to be a new method in which allows users to upgrade to Xankul...A none Mumble method.

And BriggsDg, if you need help getting on mumble with your Mac, you can speak to Casham or InvaderKewl who both use mumble on a mac.
It is not fun not to know things..... I mean really, not fun at all. Shred, please, just Briggs, the dg has little significance at all =).