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Contest 008: Blurry Vision


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome back to the weekly Team9000 Contest!

1600 XBL Points, $20 PSN Credit, or $20 Amazon Gift Card (Winner Choice)

How To Enter
To enter this week's contest, you must come up with an idea for a "new Blur item or mod." Nothing is too strange, and nothing is too simple. Simply post your idea and a description, and you're entered! Creativity is appreciated, but all entries have an equal chance of winning.

(For those of you who don't know "Blur" - Blur is an action racing video game)

Here's a few examples:
Bacon Mod - Your weapons continue to do regular amounts of damage, but all your enemies can sense while they die is the pleasant smell of bacon
Chainsaw Gun - Design Schematics Here

  • One entry per person
  • Winner will be contacted at the email address associated with their forum account
  • Winner must claim prize within two weeks
  • Entries must be submitted by 7:00 PM CDT on Saturday 7/24/10
  • Team9000 broadcasting team and associates are not permitted to win (but may enter for fun)

The contest winner will be announced live on Team9000 LIVE the night of Saturday 7/24/10
And don't forget, even if you don't win this one, another contest will go up next Sunday! Check back each week for more prizes.

Good luck :D

all-wheelie mod ... or perhaps just ride on the two wheels on one side-type mod @_@

phase thru others mod

flamethrower mod (continuous damage 'till wrecked or self-launch into extinguishing substance) :p

track reversal mod (first place is now last)


opponent driver ejector mod... run to car like excitebike

drive-on-roof (upside down) mod @_@
haha, i totally hogged that entry :p

l8r, all & good luck
vuzela mod causes all other players to hear vuzelas for 10 seconds

Make it 2 Hours. Even after the match if over. If multiple players use it, it just stacks up, and the same player can use it, also stacking up the effect, causing a major cluster fuck of noise.
nuke mod / once u have it u win the hole race /red/
jump mod / jump over the red ball and the orange ball /yellow/
health mod/ everytime someone next to you ,you can thack there health /green/
Make it 2 Hours. Even after the match if over. If multiple players use it, it just stacks up, and the same player can use it, also stacking up the effect, causing a major cluster fuck of noise.

lol, that's funny .. i imagine a crapload of insta-quitting of races from vuvu-overload

At this point, i'm kinda repeating myself

ok. obai for now *waves*
okay stay with me on this. We need a weapon that fires forward, but avoids everyone and hits only the person in first. Now, this object needs to be hard, you know, like a turtle shell. Those are pretty hard aren't they? So it's this turtle shell thing that hit's the player in first, but we don't want it to be a boring old turtle shell. it needs it's own special colour, like say I don't know... Blue? ya that sounds good. I doubt anyone has thought of this before.

On a more serious note (if that)

Switch: Reverses the controls of everyone for 3 seconds, including yourself. (Idea is to use it when people are about to take a corner)
Scouter Mod - Lets you view the power level of other cars, not their initial level
Transforming Mod - Transforms Car into Giant Robot with guns and jetpacks cause we all dig giant robots
Drsheep Power Up - A Gif Created By Drsheep covers the view of all cars
now that would be epic
okay stay with me on this. We need a weapon that fires forward, but avoids everyone and hits only the person in first. Now, this object needs to be hard, you know, like a turtle shell. Those are pretty hard aren't they? So it's this turtle shell thing that hit's the player in first, but we don't want it to be a boring old turtle shell. it needs it's own special colour, like say I don't know... Blue? ya that sounds good. I doubt anyone has thought of this before.

Here's some concept art:
Scouter Mod - Lets you view the power level of other cars, not their initial level
Transforming Mod - Transforms Car into Giant Robot with guns and jetpacks cause we all dig giant robots
Drsheep Power Up - A Gif Created By Drsheep covers the view of all cars
now that would be epic

B) WHICH of my GIFs?
The Oil Slick- You press A and oil spurts out of the back of your car spinning out any car that drives over it.
Another powerup that flips everyone's screen upside down except for yours
The Oil Slick- You press A and oil spurts out of the back of your car spinning out any car that drives over it.
Another powerup that flips everyone's screen upside down except for yours

Mario Kart + Blur = Blario Klur?