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Cool18 and the new ruling faction-Gingers


Well-Known Member
Alright, we need to end this ridiculous USSR rule, so as a Ginger, I hereby call all other Gingers to help build the TRUE ruling faction on cool18 when the servers open back up. I already have awesome plans of awesomeness, but I need everyone's ideas and help to make this happen, and it will happen. The USSR must fall! This is war.
I have no witty comeback....You win this battle, but the war has just begun!!!!(too cliche?) We will see how you perform on the battlefield good sir, we shall see.
NOT RULE 34!!!!!! Oh good sir, you do not want to enter that realm of pain, please turn back before you unleash the full power of the Gingers!
Casey said:
The day of victory will be the day I steal your soul.
how does that song go by The Eagles? Desperado, wasn't it?

Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table.
But you only want the ones
That you can't get.
Chuck Norris is the secret leader of the Gingers, so of course you think that, hence the SECRET! Ooops, probably shouldn't have said that....
You can only become better by striving for perfection......wait, that wasn't a compliment.