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Cool18 and the new ruling faction-Gingers

Oh well, when Cool18 opens up, we will see who is laughing last, because if there is one thing you can not do, it is win against a Ginger.
yet again, you fail to see the technological leaps we Gingers have made over the USSR

I could always use some help, but you only need one Ginger for a job like this, so it matters not. However, you will be very welcome over here.....no homo....
ussr approves you in the motherland. the gingers led by casey declared us war.
if ur not one of them... u may enter soviet union

and btw: we have a new army from siberia:
It seems as I might well be alone in this endeavor. Thats alright, just that much worse for you knowing you got beat by a SINGLE Ginger.
The things that go down when the servers arent working.....This should happen every now and then, adds a little spice to the game.
haha that south park picture just reminded me of this awesome episode i saw a while ago... the one with the lice! hahahaha his voice in that is amazingggggg!!! "i gotta do this... for my bebeh"
I vote that we make an apocalypse pony world and forget all about this soviet-ginger death dance of doom