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Alright, I know I don't have enough here quite yet, but here's my stuff so-far for builder. I don't have as much time as I would like to be on, but here's my builds.
seadomeext.jpg Underwater Sea Dome--took for freaking ever to build because I had to get all of the water out of it. I had 3 days of work put into it. (not 3 ig days, but it took the friday before the Super Bowl, the saturday of the super bowl and the whole night of the super bowl to build)

Some errors are occuring, so I'll have to pot the next however many as replies, sorry...
I have pictures of the interior, but the main one's not working, so I'll move on and get it up a different way sometime. For now, here's a picture of the addition I built onto it for a TV room


Here's an areal veiw of the mini version of Fort Pitt that I built. It's very representative of a French and Indain/Seven Years war fort that was common to my area.


Then, I built a trading Post island from scratch in one of the cool worlds. I have a few pictures not accounted for between these two, so I guess they won't count. :(


I didn't get a pic of the interior of the trading post itself, but it wasn't that spectacular inside. There is also a small volcano on the one side of the island. I'll have to say I got the idea for the volcanic island from scratch off of Youtube. One of the unaccounted for things was a Pirate Pub built in a similar fashion a good while before this.

Next, is a HUGE volcano I built from scratch, which even had lava tubes going clear down into the sand below, and I think I built it down to the bottom of the ocean in the Cool world it was in. I also made a nice spawn road addition from the spawn road, over to the Trading Post Island, through the top of the Volcano, then eventually meeting back up with the main, unfinished, spawnroad. (remember, this is in cool worlds, where there isn't allways a real spawnroad)



The next thing you can count if you lol at it... There was the one Guest world that was [lame]Duck themed, so I decided to build a negative duck for the duck of it. XD

At least some guys in there lol'd at it, so it had the intended effect. lol.


First, an Octopus's Garden!


Kinda hard to see because it's underwater and it's a purple octopus...

Then, a fail of a Yellow Submarine!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYdNgoSgpuk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeYzjzl7cLI&feature=related


Finally, by special request, a Guitar Gently Weeping. I forget who suggested this one, but I made his day! XD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3RYvO2X0Oo Or, a very well done cover that I very much enjoy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTRRk3XlLIg&feature=related



Ok, I think it was FGHIK who was brought up the weeping guitar idea. I think eventually I'll build a great hall with a bunch of holes in the floor. XD I'll take any suggestions and requests, as long as I have time. I know that one guy I was following with his cool promo had to build something insane like 4 hotels and a whole bunch of stuff, so I'm not expecting this to be much different, and I'll take any ideas for stuff.

This one missed the first cut--I made a nice "drinkable liquid" wagon with Clydsdale horses. I originally made it red and with a red and white bowtie logo of a certain brand in front of it, then changed my mind and made it blue because we have kids around. Better safe than sorry.


I don't know if I posted this for cool or not, but here's the most recent bunker I built. I haven't been tunneling as much as I used to, but I might pick back up eventually. That's where WOM shines-very nice for clearing tunnels and making underground rooms.

Alright, here's the last installment to the Beatle's builds--Albert Hall
I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.
I'd love to turn you on
from "A Day in the Life"


Not 4,000 holes, but close enough. AlbertHallinterior.jpg

While I'm at it, the Van from El Camino, the new Album from the Black Keys, which I HIGHLY reccomend

One last thing for the night-a Literal Man CAVE. Next to impossable to screencap, and not finished. Oh Well...


Just one of 4 or 5 rooms in it, if you include the entrance with 2 couches as a room.
You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to the next rank, but keep up the good work! Feel free to continue posting your work to this thread, and we'll continue to review it over time.

Even though you haven't been promoted yet, keep in mind that it is our top priority to protect all of our user's creations safe from griefers. You'll have to live with the cool worlds for just a bit longer :D.
I know I haven't built enough yet. I've been out looking for greif and swasticas and stuff. Just ask 1creator, lameducks, and the rest of the guys.

Reminds me-here's my newest builds:

1st, you have to watch Wiked Shrapnel to get this one:


Well, that 1x1 tower's not in the best spot... just noticed that.

Alright then, here's my other new build-The CAVE. Underground Hotel with dance floor. My first attempt at a hotel, and very basic, but it seems to be the old favorite.

cavesign.jpg cavelobby.jpg cavebasicroom.jpg caveluxuryroom.jpg
Yeah, that's what I would like to do, but I just don't have the time. By the time I'd be able to finish, we would run through 3 cool worlds. Even then, I would probably not have enough space.

I'll try to build bigger, but it's hard with little time.
Well, next I built a massive castle in Cool92. Most of the castles people build are fairly storybook in nature and small compaired to the real thing. I tried to build this one fairly realistically, with a more accurate sized moat, and pallisade around the edge. Right now, the Pallisade is there as if it is close to being attacked, and you have to find a low point to jump over to get into the castle. (or find the secret tunnel escape/entrance) There is a well, a cistern, two towers, (one large, one medium) a Keep, a gatehouse, underground tunnels (will expand the system, but it also includes a bridge over lava like in moria on the secret escape route from it) and two bunkhouses for knights/soldiers.

I also tried to make a crude crest in front of the gates.castle2.png casltkeep.jpg castleentrancentower.jpg castle-crest.jpg

Once again, it is a very hard to accuratly screencap build, but it took a ton of work. I think I spent 4 hours probably on it. I know I put an hour and a half into it finishing it off at least.
Actually, I can't add more water-I accidentally tunneled too far for the wine/ale cellar that I was trying to put up last night. Lol. (whoops!)

Anyway, the moats you see on movies and the ones we all think of are not at all like the real ones. I tried to keep this as realistic as possable, and the moat was one of the things I had to keep toned down for realism. I actually should have not put it there at all--it should have been a dry moat--this type of castle shouldn't have a wet moat at all.

I need to actually make the ramparts a little different too-they need to be bumped out by one block and the wooden parts need the support beams put under them. That's one of those little things that allways needs adjusted after a build's "done."

Anyway, speaking of which, I did a few little things yesterday, but mostly was helping out with Jslam and kk11, but I built a stable and wine/ale cellar for the castle, and my Order of the Arrow Lodge's totem-the Thunderbird. Don't worry, it's already been lol'd at by the higher ups in the lodge, so it's all good. (unlike the wagon, the ale cellar could not be made for under 21 because of the little fact that all castles and abbys had them, and no castle is complete without one)

castlealecellar.jpg Minecraft-Tbird.jpg
Thanks. I'll try to build something else big, but I'll have to go on hiatus for annother week I think.

I think Builder's about all I'll go for. I don't really want to moderate and whatnot because of how little you get to work on stuff then. It'd be great to rank up more and more, but if we're not going to have non-moderator higher ranks, then I'll probably not go any further.
I'll have to post pics later, when I'm done, but my current project is my least favorite map of Black Ops--Noobtown.

Just doing it because it's a good place to start map building and get a little skilz while I'm at it.

One thing I forgot, although after the cool spawn road was modified they were destroyed was a set of wom bumpers at the corners of it-that way, when you're speed running, you hit them, not the oceanwombumper.jpg

They work great! Had to rebuild them because, like I said, the spawn road was modified for some reason by somebody, and I had to put them back up after going into the drink.

I'm givin her all she's got captin!

Anyway, here's my current status report--Nuketown, or as I call it, Noobtown, is somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 complete Blue house needs furnished, yellow is kinda just a shell, the two cars need built, the jeep needs built, and the backyards need finished. I had to compress everything because of a lack of room, though. Can we have cool plains at some point? A 100% flat 100% land map would be verryyyyyyyy nice for these large builds.nuketowninprogress.jpg
Alright! Nuketown 24/7 in cool 92, just in time for Cool 93!!! lol. Just like it was with the wii--no noobtown 24/7 until october or something like that.

I couldn't make the jeep and the one car for space restaints, and the blue house isn't well furnished, and the blown up car kinda sucks, and the truck's backward, but oh well.nuketown1.jpg nuketown2.jpg nuketownbluegarden.jpg nuketownyellowlivingroom.jpg

I would like to also place an application for a zone11 building permit while I'm at it--I would like to add annother MCPD Llama helicopter and a Huey, and possably more helis and maybe a train. If I do a train, it would be the East Broad Top Railroad. I'd post a link to their website, but it'd be advertising.