Crane's pax east adventure... or lack thereof.

Alright... so I continued in my direction. After passing end of the world. While watching all of the business people walking by, out in the way of various taxi cabs and cuty busses. I once again realized I had no effing clue what I was going to do. So I once again went in search of wifi. With my trusty wifi detector app, I followed it to the holy grail of wifi hotspots-- mcdonalds. This was perfect because I hadn't really had breakfast. All I had eaten that far was like six of those tiny powdered sugar covered doughnuts.

I entered the restaraunt... this was more my style of people than starbucks. Apparently McDonald's is wherealll the non hipster people go (who knew?). So ordered my food... moched wifi for like two more hours until it was almost time to meet skid at the train station. I packed my things up anr headed back that way. (Boring update... more interesting things ahead, I promise.)
Alright... so I continued in my direction. After passing end of the world. While watching all of the business people walking by, out in the way of various taxi cabs and cuty busses. I once again realized I had no effing clue what I was going to do. So I once again went in search of wifi. With my trusty wifi detector app, I followed it to the holy grail of wifi hotspots-- mcdonalds. This was perfect because I hadn't really had breakfast. All I had eaten that far was like six of those tiny powdered sugar covered doughnuts.

I entered the restaraunt... this was more my style of people than starbucks. Apparently McDonald's is wherealll the non hipster people go (who knew?). So ordered my food... moched wifi for like two more hours until it was almost time to meet skid at the train station. I packed my things up anr headed back that way. (Boring update... more interesting things ahead, I promise.)

you are keeping up the suspense factor moar :D
We're at the hotel now. Everyone is here now (Apparently Kaytee isn't coming...?). We're having problems getting internet. The hotel internet is awful. We're trying to get a cast going tethering off of our phones, but we're in a cell tower dead zone here, so it's not going too well.

More updates tomorrow, probably.

Also, I will probably be continuing the narrative from this thread after pax, or at least on the way home. There's too much to do to continue writing about it as it happens.
i am very much interested in this and want there to be more installments in the adventure of the crane.

I guess you're right. In retrospect, I shall have to rescind my previous comment.:(