

So you're saying someone like me is loose because I have tattoos?
I find that a little wrong that you can classify everyone with tattoos as Trashy.

None the less excuse my simple misspelling.
So you're saying someone like me is loose because I have tattoos?
I find that a little wrong that you can classify everyone with tattoos as Trashy.

None the less excuse my simple misspelling.
Don't worry Squeebz, it's just Clayto.
Don't worry Squeebz, it's just Clayto.

I don't worry, it's just sad that some people think they can judge others when they do not even know them. I love this place because at the end of the day and behind some of the silly jokes we tell about each other, we can accept each other for all of our individual quirks and personalities. But what I don't like to see is ignorance and insults, and what he said was slightly insulting in my opinion. He could have said that he just didn't like tattoos because they weren't for him, instead of calling them trashy and loose. I would have simply accepted his opinion and chalked it up as everyone is an indivdual. It was one of those he didn't quite think before he posted and that is one of my biggest pet peeves, because you never know whom you're going to upset when you post something. So its kinda hard to just let it go for me.