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Cubeasim, a Minecraft Religion I Found


Well-Known Member
So, while browsing the official Minecraft Forums, I happened to find the work of ArchebuS, who has written lore about gods of Minecraft, intended as sorts of challenges and things to do in spare time.

I found this very interesting, always loving community-made deities and forces. Some are very difficult, such as the depths-of-the-sea Poise, or totally hilarious, such as Glueco, god of cake. Another is totally insane, growing increasingly mad as the challenges go forward.

Basically, after reading through the information on the page, you choose a god to follow. Then, you build shrines, and complete tasks relating to the god of choice. Upon completion of all tasks attached to a god, you can post pictures and your name, and be given the title of an Acolyte of that god.

Read more here.

In the time before there were 3 siblings; Roki, Terrae, and Net. They were bored with all that they had in their own dimension so pooling together their powers they decided to create a world to entertain them. Roki acted first, cutting off his finger and using it to build the bedrock core of the world. Then cutting off the rest of his arm he layered the world in smoothstone. Gathering his remaining energy, he struck the world as hard as he could with his right arm. The force of the blow created massive amounts of pressure causing diamonds, gold, iron and coal to form at different layers of the world. The resulting earthquakes created great chasms and cave openings leading deep into the earth.

Terrae, looking upon Roki's work said "It's a good start, buts it’s hard and cold. This world needs beauty and softness as well." And with that she reached down and picked up chunks of smoothstone and ate them. Chewing and melding them with her delicate tongue she turned the stone to dirt and spat it back up covering the world. Then she ran her hand over it and layered the dirt with grass short and tall. With great care she pushed 4 of her fingers into the earth. Removing each of them one by one; from the holes the first oak, birch, pine and spruce trees were born. She then cut her arm, and bled out onto the world creating the oceans.

Net, the youngest of the three was impressed with what the other siblings had done. But he had not yet fully realised his powers and became sad. He shed a tear and it fell onto the world the brothers had created, from the tear a tiny retarded chicken was born. Net was overwhelmed with joy at his creation, even though it had zero survival instincts and would aimlessly wander off cliffs as often as anything else, he still loved it. Over the years as Net further realised his power he created pigs, sheeps, cows, wolves and squids. The other brothers were proud of him and having watched him developing decided to teach him how to focus his power. With this, Net was able to create the first human.

The humans of the world prospered, and adored their creators. Terrae and Roki took shifts to watch the world, Terrae's eye was bright like fire and caused all her creations to prosper as she watched them. Roki's eye was white and cold, signalling the time for the humans to rest. Many ages past as the world prospered, Roki and Terrae were finally content and continued to watch over it. Net however, became bored and restless again. Using his power he created the first slime for his amusement. While mostly harmless, the slime had the power to hurt the other beings of the world. When Roki and Terrae looked upon it they were upset, and banished it to only live in the very depths of the world, away from the humans.

This infuriated Net and he demanded the brothers allow his creation room on the surface. The two refused, and having seen the brothers make sacrifices to enhance their powers he did the same. He cut off his ear, and used it to create the first zombie. Terrae and Roki were unable to banish this creature and it quickly began to decimate the humans that the pair loved so much. Seeing the progress of this monster made him want to create more, he pulled a bone from his arm to create skeletons and a 8 of his toes to create the spiders. Terrae, seeing Net's growing insanity cut out an eye and used it to curse his monsters with fire whenever she looked upon them. Roki and Terrae then turned to Net furious with him and pooled their powers together to banish him to a world of suffering and pain; The Nether. In his last defiant act before his banishment, Net tore his heart out and created the mighty creeper. This creature will stalk the land, immune to the powers of Terrae's eye, and would be a great calamity on the world

The humans of the world wiped out, their structures now overrun with creatures and slowly growing moss. Terrea and Roki turned to one another, and using all the energy they had left, they summoned one final human. Spent, the 2 gods are now only able to take turns passing there eye across the world, keeping close watch on their last creation. Steve.

These challenges are all very fun to try your hand at, and I can easily see shrines beginning to pop up throughout our fair server.
Such a shame! It should be updated or something!
It has been updated recently. The guy has been posting on the thread as recently as five hours and twenty minutes ago (Not sure about minutes), and there will probably be more gods added.
everyone knows the only gods in minecraft are Wooty, Ozy and casham <3

but i see a link between the OoO and Net ^^
In the spirit of Net, I have built a shrine and caught a tiny retarded chicken in it.


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Godlib, descendent of the almighty deity, Terrae. Created from her delicate hand, and set forth upon the earth to....RUIN THINGS, because that is what he does.