Currently reading/good books suggestions

I read many books.
latest one I've read - The Project by Brain Falkner. quiet a good book but took some getting into.
others I've read and loved :
CHERUB series, The Killing - Robert Muchamore. Third book of the series, great if you like spy and action books.
Glow - Amy Kathleen Ryan. Sci-Fi Romance action, absolutely loved it!
Wither - Lauren Destefano. Future Romance and horrorish. great read.
:3 I read all those [and a few more] in the last month or 2. I love reading :D.
Currently I'm reading The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. That's the schizzle.

I read a literal shitload of books, so I won't bother giving you too many recommendations (this will likely come back to bite me), but a good series of books is the Young Bond series. It's kinda like CHERUB, except less trashy, more readable, and set during the '30's - '40's.
Currently I'm reading The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. That's the schizzle.

I read a literal shitload of books, so I won't bother giving you too many recommendations (this will likely come back to bite me), but a good series of books is the Young Bond series. It's kinda like CHERUB, except less trashy, more readable, and set during the '30's - '40's.
I'm reading Young Bond when I get back to school :3.
I love books, and read mostly fantasy and sci-fi with a scattering of regular fiction and classics. Here are some of my favorites.

  • The Wheel of Time series
  • The Lord of the Rings series
  • Almost anything by Brandon Sanderson. Including, but not limited to: Way of Kings, the entire Mistborn series, Elantris, and Warbreaker. (Sanderson my fav author? Probably.)
  • Inheritance Cycle
  • Watership Down (a classic)
  • Redwall series

Science Fiction:
  • Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow
  • X-Wing series
  • Darth Bane trilogy
  • those Halo books

The Book Everyone Should Be Required to Read:
  • Fahrenheit 451. "Nuff Said.

Will edit this list as I think of more books.
I love books, and read mostly fantasy and sci-fi with a scattering of regular fiction and classics. Here are some of my favorites.

  • The Wheel of Time series
  • The Lord of the Rings series
  • Almost anything by Brandon Sanderson. Including, but not limited to: Way of Kings, the entire Mistborn series, Elantris, and Warbreaker. (Sanderson my fav author? Probably.)
  • Inheritance Cycle
  • Watership Down (a classic)
  • Redwall series

Science Fiction:
  • Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow
  • X-Wing series
  • Darth Bane trilogy
  • those Halo books

The Book Everyone Should Be Required to Read:
  • Fahrenheit 451. "Nuff Said.

Will edit this list as I think of more books.

I enjoyed Fahrenheit 451 a lot. But I still feel 1984 is superior. If you haven't read it then I highly suggest it.
Few things I've read recently which might be up your alley:
  • Magician by Raymond E Feist: first book in one of the best fantasy series, but there are like 800 others, so you're in for a long ride.
  • Machine of Death by A Whole Bunch of People: finished reading this not too long ago, it's a collection of short stories from various authors (Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation fame, Randall from XKCD, etc) all set in the same universe, in which exists a bipolar machine that can (rather ambiguously) predict how you will die.
  • Catch-22 by Joseph Heller: Reading this at the moment - surprisingly still humorous, given it was written 50 years ago. The setting may not be everyone's cup of tea, but the style in which he writes is clever and endearing.
I enjoyed Fahrenheit 451 a lot. But I still feel 1984 is superior. If you haven't read it then I highly suggest it.
I second this so hard. Easily one of my favourite books, if not my favourite. Haven't read anything since that topped that ending.

A bit off topic, but there's a great movie by Terry Gilliam called Brazil, which is based off of 1984 - an impressive feat, considering he'd never read the book.
If you want to die read:Twilight
And if you want to throw up rainbows read:Chuck Norris fight class (in a book) (Didnt exist but i gonna tell thanks to good if the book exist)
Gonna throw my input out there and say read the "Dark Tower" series by Stephen King, absolutely amazing series that includes a total of 7 books.
Best series I've read in a long time.
Gonna throw my input out there and say read the "Dark Tower" series by Stephen King, absolutely amazing series that includes a total of 7 books.
Best series I've read in a long time.

I've heard good things about Stephen King, but have never read his books personally.
If you want to die read:Twilight
On the contrary - if you want to understand just why everyone hates the books, then you should read them. She really is a rather poor writer - I mean, the last book was a pleasant surprise, but the rest are a bit of an ordeal to get through.
The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and MockingJay! Some of the best books i have ever read
Yeah, they're very good YA novels. Can't wait to see the myriad ways in which they screw up the movie, although it doesn't look all that bad so far.
fine. Ill Start with it. then 1984

Never read that. What a horrible book. "Farhenheit 451" is so much better.

Also, I'm currently reading a non-fiction book called "Packing for Mars" by Mary Roach. It's a very interesting look into space travel and how we go about studying the effects of space here on Earth. It's really humorous and I reccomend it to anyone who is even remotely curious about space exploration.
Never read that. What a horrible book. "Farhenheit 451" is so much better.

Also, I'm currently reading a non-fiction book called "Packing for Mars" by Mary Roach. It's a very interesting look into space travel and how we go about studying the effects of space here on Earth. It's really humorous and I reccomend it to anyone who is even remotely curious about space exploration.
*goes and buys it*
Sorry to disappoint, I find non-fiction books the most interesting genre for me.
Here's (some of) my bookcase titles:
- SAS Survival Guide
- An Incomplete History of World War I
- Wars of Empire
- A History of Warfare
- The Unknown Soldier
- Forgotten Voices of the Falklands
- Iron Thunder
- Forgotten Voices of the Second World War
- Various Skulduggery Pleasant and Star Wars novel titles
- Lord of The Rings series
- Harry Potter series
- The Next 100 Years
- A lot of old Horrible History/Horrible Science/Murderous Maths/Horrible Geography titles that I used to read when I was in Primary
- Maths Quest 9 for Victoria, 3rd Edition?