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Active Member
EDIT: If reviewing this thread, please look at the builds farther down. They are way, way better than these first 2

I built a pyramid-thing! Woo!
And inside, there's some kind of shrine! Woo!
Good work. Generally, you get promoted after ten hours on the server, so you have a ways to go. If you want to see how many hours you have, type /info in the chat box and read the last line. Have fun!
You're welcome! Also, I don't know if you already do this, but here's a protip: If you want to fly all around, all you have to do is make an account here and download the client.
You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to the next rank, but keep up the good work! Feel free to continue posting your work to this thread, and we'll continue to review it over time.

Even though you haven't been promoted yet, keep in mind that it is our top priority to protect all of our user's creations safe from griefers. Even if you are only guest rank, we still try our best to keep the guest worlds clean and safe for everyone.
First off, sorry for my inactivity for quite a while, I got BF3 recently after making this thread, and it distracted me for a while and I just kind of forgot about Classic. Second, I made a boat! :D

The glass is supposed to be a wake, I didn't do it very well though :(

Also, sorry about all the clutter around it. You know how guest worlds are...

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  • javaw 2012-04-23 16-35-23-00.jpg
    javaw 2012-04-23 16-35-23-00.jpg
    341 KB · Views: 120
Me and Mariolink42 made a bigass lighthouse on guest507!

Man, this thing attracted quite a bit of attention from admirers and griefers while we were building it. It was pretty fun! I actually think it'll probably get griefed within 5 minutes of me logging of Classic and making this post ;(

The top is a little weird, we didn't really make it right @_o

javaw 2012-04-23 21-14-13-08.jpg javaw 2012-04-23 21-14-22-22.jpg javaw 2012-04-23 21-14-27-26.jpg javaw 2012-04-23 21-14-43-05.jpg javaw 2012-04-23 21-15-09-65.jpg

(please ignore the guy with no custom skin derping around, he was just checking it out)
Me and Mariolink42 made a bigass lighthouse on guest507!

Man, this thing attracted quite a bit of attention from admirers and griefers while we were building it. It was pretty fun!

The top is a little weird, we didn't really make it right @_o

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(please ignore the guy with no custom skin derping around, he was just checking it out)

Look at me in the lighthouse thar. :3
your builds look great, however you have not built enough to be promoted to the cool rank, get in a few more builds and do not be afraid to push the limits of your creativity. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
I made a simple quick little use-able chess set. The dimensions are that of a real chessboard (8x8) and the pieces are as follows:

Iron Block = Queen
Obsidian = King
Logs = Bishops
Mossy Cobble = Knights
Stone = Rooks
Pawns = Brown Mushrooms

Gold Block = Queen
Sand = King
Planks = Bishops
Cobble = Knights
Double Stone Slab = Rooks
Red Mushrooms = Pawns

javaw 2012-04-25 15-35-37-36.jpg

You can also use it to play checkers!

What to build next.... hmmmm...
Also some advice from me i got promoted around 11 hours i made 3 things and got the promotion quality is better than quantity make complicated things and make a handful of them making simple things will take more time so try making a castle or a tower hope you like my advice :D hope you get promoted