DasPopo's Borderlands 2 Giveaway


Active Member
So in my quest for a cheap DLC pass for Borderlands 2, I acquired an extra copy of the game. I have decided to give it away in a quick little guess the number contest. The rules of this contest are simple.

1) Must have Steam. (Duh....)
2) Must not own the game already. (This is for all people who have not bought it yet for some reason.)
3) Pick a number between 1-1500. ( If enough people decide to join this I may bump the number up.)
4) Post a funny picture with your number selection.

I will use a random number generator to pick the winner. The winner will be pm'd the code.

Good Luck everyone!

P.S sorry to everyone who bought the game during the sale I just remebered I had the code.
P.S #2 Deadline for the contest is next Friday the 26.



I would be grateful to get Borderlands 2. It's nice that more t9k users are doing giveaways <3
much love for this giveaway. I have the GOTY edition of BL on 360 and still have yet to touch BL2. I'd love a copy, but I'd end up just making another giveaway for it because I'd rather play on my 360. I know silly me a console junky. ANYWAYS if I'm still eligible I'll guess


If you decide to DQ me, well no hard feelings here mate. Hope whoever wins enjoys it!