Dead Island is Terrible

Then I guess I'll be the only one genuinely enjoying this game.

I think we all may be setting our sights too high. a terrible mistake happened, but its still not doomed. lots of blockbusters came out with terrible bugs. Call of Duty is PRIME example. Homefront didn't work for like 2 weeks after it was released.

I don't think we're setting our sights too high at all. I honestly don't think that you can have a worse cardinal sin on a software release than to accidentally release a dev build as final release. Thank god it was over steam and not pressed to disc... if this was relased on disc and not distributed through steam god help them.

Someone wasn't paying attention when they uploaded file to steam. It's not hard to tell the difference between version 0.83 and 1.0. I am expecting one or several people to get fired for this. They basically ruined the launch of what could have been a wholly decent game for a large portion of their fan base. Bad PR snowballs quickly, to the point where people won't even know why they think something sucks... they just know it sucks (Try asking someone who doesn't know anything about computers their opinion of windows Vista).

From the company I'm expecting AT LEAST a formal apology (owning up to the mistake that the company made), and probably a free DLC or two before I'll even consider purchasing a game from this company again.

Though, how much more can we expect from the company who made Call of Juarez?
I think that my biggest disappointment with the game is that it wasn't Far Cry 2+Zombies, as I had hoped it to be...*sigh*...everybody says there's this zombie craze going on, but we have yet to produce a real, open world, survival-centered Zombie FPS...

Tbh, it's Far Cry 1+Zombies.
I dont know if id call the game terrible, so far its Really fun and has some Really fun gameplay and taking down 5 zombies at once makes you feel like a BOSS. Just hope they fix the framerate issue when you strafe... and the screen tearing...
i have had several glitches happen but all in all, i love it :D
its fun just to beat the crap out of zombies..... needs moar zombies tho :/
I think my favorite part is Curb stomping zombies. I'm fairly early in the game, so my weapons are still weak. It seems at least weapon efficient to stab a zombie, kick it, stab it, and then just continue kicking it to death while it's on the ground.
I think my favorite part is Curb stomping zombies. I'm fairly early in the game, so my weapons are still weak. It seems at least weapon efficient to stab a zombie, kick it, stab it, and then just continue kicking it to death while it's on the ground.
i felt like a boss when i killed a zombie one hit with a kick to the face :D
Though the kick seems too overpowered. Saw someone streaming it and he didn't use his weapon once, all he did was kick. I guess it depends on what character you're playing too.