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New Member
Here is my build ^^ Took around 2 hours to make it :p And btw the sky was not high enough so my 2 water tower are not complete hahaha




Very nice first build. If you had a little bit more time in on the server, I would have already promoted you in game for the build. Typically we don't consider Cool rank until you've got 10 hours logged on the server so keep up the awesome work and get a little bit more time in under your belt.
Thats what im planimg to do :p this server runs great so i'll be there everyday or when i can hahaha but i'll get my 10 hours tonight probably :)
I want to make a huge football stadium .. around 255X100 and around 60blocks height but i cant find anyplace to build it hahahaha
I've found some place to build my stadium :) Here's a first look at around 2 hours of work :p take forever to make it hahahaha
Here is an other screenshot after an other 2hour of work :p Measure are taken ... now the REAL work starts hahahaha these outside line gonna take forever hahahaha *i would like to make more seat but the sky is not high enough so i have to deal with this :p
well they said to post all my works on the same thread xD but i'll probably app for higher rank when this will be finish :p
I like the concept you have going on for the entrance. I made a path that connects my spleef arena with the established paths in place. Feel free to connect it to your stadium.