Describe your last dream!


New Member
Title = Pretty Self-Explanatory.

Just describe the last dream you've had so far! (I don't think any "adult" dreams would go good here)

Here's my last dream:

Optional: I suggest you actually "try" to do some work and find out some research on the stuff in your dreams, and then post it here. ^^
In my dream I "woke" up in the middle of a canyon-like area, the sky was covered with a reddish hue. I guess the was no sun because of the dust storm that was going on. I dont know what it was but I turned around and there was some sort of people in Evangelion-esque suits, but they were all silver and reflected the ground. Right when I saw them they sprinted towards with some sort of giant steel spikes? I started crawling but they trapped my in a corner and I just started throwing rocks at them. It didnt really do anything, then one of them jumped over the group of what those things were and stabbed me directly in the eye. All of a sudden some meter popped up and overloaded then I woke up.
Last thing I remember, I saw a sexy young woman wearing see through pants and immediately complimented her on her very nice looking vagina. Next thing I know, we hooked up.