Desktop time! :3


Okay so i wondering if it would be fun to see other peep's desktops.. so Post your desky desktops here :D
Here's mine with a live pic of Rammstein while they had they're LIFAD tour :)
Oh and if you wonder about the wings.. Till (singer) uses the wings while playing Engel wich means Angel :)
my old desktop, one of my best that i made with rain meter and rocket-dock, this is windows vista.
when i get my new computer back im hoping to make one with a paint ball theme.
and ym current desktop is the antatmoy of a creeper which i cant seem to find.

This is my desky desktop. As you can see, the wallpaper is from the best game ever, which's name I don't deem required to mention, as it is the best game In The World. Ever. And I expect everybody to know the name of the best game in the world, as if they don't, they aren't worthy enough to know the name of the best game in the world. The name of the wallpaper is "The Hatch". This I deem required to mention, as it is the Best wallpaper In The World. Ever. And thus it is required to mention the name of the best wallpaper in the world so every noob shall know what is the best wallpaper in the world. On my desktop, as you can see, are the best games In The World. Ever. I suck. That is required to mention, as any human being is nothing but an atom of a fly poop next to the epic awesomeness of my desktop. Nuff said.
View attachment 4785

This is my desky desktop. As you can see, the wallpaper is from the best game ever, which's name I don't deem required to mention, as it is the best game In The World. Ever. And I expect everybody to know the name of the best game in the world, as if they don't, they aren't worthy enough to know the name of the best game in the world. The name of the wallpaper is "The Hatch". This I deem required to mention, as it is the Best wallpaper In The World. Ever. And thus it is required to mention the name of the best wallpaper in the world so every noob shall know what is the best wallpaper in the world. On my desktop, as you can see, are the best games In The World. Ever. I suck. That is required to mention, as any human being is nothing but an atom of a fly poop next to the epic awesomeness of my desktop. Nuff said.



:trollface: ...I just got the sudden urge to let that out
it can, it can acutally power 6.
but my the second screen is being left downstairs for my moms pc
Get a 27 inch HD monitor to go with the one you have right now for the lulz. I plan on replacing one of the ones i have with something like that when I can :O I need me some 1080p
Get a 27 inch HD monitor to go with the one you have right now for the lulz. I plan on replacing one of the ones i have with something like that when I can :O I need me some 1080p

i was going to buy a 34 inch montior but then my old computer never sold so now im broke.