Desktop Time!

You play Cities XL? I was in the beta and people where complaining about it all the time.

Well I got it some months ago, there isnt a train or multiplayer anymore.... Thought damnit, why the hell didn't I inform myself more about it, but while playing it quite got my attention, ... for about a week. It's always the same, you keep building the same things over and over again, takes pretty much time and you dont get a feeling that you achieved something pretty nice for urself doing all this. I guess it's more fun playing it with other people, but U would need to pay for it and... nuuuh : /
next Cities XL is coming out and I don't think Ill get it.
Well I got it some months ago, there isnt a train or multiplayer anymore.... Thought damnit, why the hell didn't I inform myself more about it, but while playing it quite got my attention, ... for about a week. It's always the same, you keep building the same things over and over again, takes pretty much time and you dont get a feeling that you achieved something pretty nice for urself doing all this. I guess it's more fun playing it with other people, but U would need to pay for it and... nuuuh : /
next Cities XL is coming out and I don't think Ill get it.
I've never played Citis XL, I tried to compare it to SimCity, but there's a big difference.
Well I got it some months ago, there isnt a train or multiplayer anymore.... Thought damnit, why the hell didn't I inform myself more about it, but while playing it quite got my attention, ... for about a week. It's always the same, you keep building the same things over and over again, takes pretty much time and you dont get a feeling that you achieved something pretty nice for urself doing all this. I guess it's more fun playing it with other people, but U would need to pay for it and... nuuuh : /
next Cities XL is coming out and I don't think Ill get it.
I already had some experience having played simcity before so i was quite sad to see how they made roads freeform while forgetting to make the houselots freeform too, it was even worse than simcity 4 in that aspect. Not enough random stuff or natural growth happening to challenge you to do anything.
Well, the concept is, they do the same thing pretty much, but they don't feel the same.
Oh like homosexuality right? :D
Well I guess you have more to do than just keep up the cities grove and the happyness of the inhabitants.
Well, the concept is, they do the same thing pretty much, but they don't feel the same.
The only thing off the top of my mind that i can say they share is the genre, that's it. Simcity was closer to a city simulator rather than a society simulator (the game they developed before CXL WAS City Life which was based on class conflict more). And it was less "plop all these houses here and take care of their leisure places too" like I'm a damn communist regime and decide where the rich people live and where i'll build a ghetto.
The only thing off the top of my mind that i can say they share is the genre, that's it. Simcity was closer to a city simulator rather than a society simulator (the game they developed before CXL WAS City Life which was based on class conflict more). And it was less "plop all these houses here and take care of their leisure places too" like I'm a damn communist regime and decide where the rich people live and where i'll build a ghetto.
That's kind of what I mean, they're both about cities though, but they're very different other than that.