Disregard this Awesome Thread! It's the most Awesome Thread Ever!

That's what I said. Also what show is that from? I slightly remember this.
xoulin showdown...also
awesomeness is not useless :cool:
Says you and your cool shades... Now it has just become a place for you to spam post, you know its true ;). Hold on.. was that not its purpose in the first place! The universe is unraveling under the weight of such logic!
Fail trolling you say? I thought I was just pointing out the obvious. I was just asking mal if he was mad, not stating that he was. I guess with so much spam it is hard to see through those cool shades of yours.
Fail trolling you say? I thought I was just pointing out the obvious. I was just asking mal if he was mad, not stating that he was. I guess with so much spam it is hard to see through those cool shades of yours.
Pretty sure this just adds to the boat of fail trolling. :cool: