Does Deleting files make my computer run faster?


Well-Known Member
My lappy has 453 gb in its C: Drive .. with 70gb free.
And about 80% of it is games and movies...ahem.
If i were to delete these files.. will i experience smoother gameplay from games like Black Ops?
Not necessarily. You should still have enough free space for virtual memory with 70gb. Have you tried all the usual suspects? Background processes and the like?
You could run CCleaner.
It removes all unneeded files and makes your PC/laptop faster.

I think.
Your computer should complain by giving you a nice error message when you run out of disk space. I'm quite confident you have enough free disk space. Its probably a good idea to get CCleaner as avroom mentioned. Use it to clean up unnecessary files and to clean your registry (you should backup registry first in regedit.exe). Additionally it may be a good idea to run disk defragmenter. While it probably is an overnight job, its a good idea to do this once in a while.
Cleaning your registry does basically nothing nowadays. Unless you're been installing every driver under the sun for the past seven years, cleaning your registry will do nothing but break what you already have working. Also, as seven stated, your have more than enough disk space to keep your system running at full speed. Assuming you run regular defrag's (which are automatic ever since Vista), there's not much more you can do.

The number one way to speed up your computer if you are comfortable with it: backup all your apps and data, reformat, and reinstall windows.
I guess I'll just back up my 25gb of Lord of the Rings =O. thanks for your advice everyone ! I probably should consider getting a new gaming rig altogether to play Black Ops or something.... Formatting would be good as well, if I'm too lazy to work -.-

And yes Avroom, I got Crap cleaner... But i prefer to use Gamebooster instead... The interface is easy to use !
i suggest you to delete ALL the games you didn't played for a long time ... when you uninstall some software, there is some files left= = . There is some software that help you to delete these files completely. i have these software but not need to go to search on Google

last thing is, the computer will auto backup your computer files , you need to stop this , because the backup files will stay in your computer and use some of your computer memory = =
Cleaning your registry does basically nothing nowadays. Unless you're been installing every driver under the sun for the past seven years, cleaning your registry will do nothing but break what you already have working. Also, as seven stated, your have more than enough disk space to keep your system running at full speed. Assuming you run regular defrag's (which are automatic ever since Vista), there's not much more you can do.

The number one way to speed up your computer if you are comfortable with it: backup all your apps and data, reformat, and reinstall windows.
Hay Wooty, would you like to buy my free registry cleaner? It's only 49.95. It only makes your computer blue screen three times a day instead of one.

send all payments in the form of cash to the prince of lybia.
Hay Wooty, would you like to buy my free registry cleaner? It's only 49.95. It only makes your computer blue screen three times a day instead of one.

send all payments in the form of cash to the prince of lybia.
Now Ima let you finish Crane, but my ANTIVIRUS is the best thing in the world. It'll not even scan your shit and make you pay everytime you want to think it does. PLUS you're only paying it to some guy in Nigeria, friendliest guy ever.
Now Ima let you finish Crane, but my ANTIVIRUS is the best thing in the world. It'll not even scan your shit and make you pay everytime you want to think it does. PLUS you're only paying it to some guy in Nigeria, friendliest guy ever.
Malinax... I'm really happy for you... and... I'mma let you finish...

but Norton is the best antivirus software of all time. OF ALL TIME.
And to keep this train going on the wrong direction. I have a mac, your antivirus software argument is invalid!
Also, I have a bad experience with norton, so it is not my favored system :(.

Now keeping it on track. Magic, wooty has the right idea, unless your comp is a old piece of junk. Then you could not run blops on it sooo....
And to keep this train going on the wrong direction. I have a mac, your antivirus software argument is invalid!
Also, I have a bad experience with norton, so it is not my favored system :(.
I see your :trollface:

and raise you :trollface::trollface:

You're a mac user, your opinion doesn't matter.
I see your :trollface:

and raise you :trollface::trollface:

You're a mac user, your opinion doesn't matter.
I see your trollface and raise you a :orly:

since when were macs cheap/good comps? refer to my sig brudda
Well, a while ago my dad did some work for a small computer store down where I live. So instead of giving him money, they gave him a huge deal on 3 macs. Not sure how much, but it was probably around a grand.
I see your trollface and raise you a :orly:

Well, a while ago my dad did some work for a small computer store down where I live. So instead of giving him money, they gave him a huge deal on 3 macs. Not sure how much, but it was probably around a grand.
I call.

For it to be a good computer, the first thing that you need to do is install windows/linux on it. And then rip out the keyboard and duct tape one on there that isn't terrible.