Does Deleting files make my computer run faster?

I call.

For it to be a good computer, the first thing that you need to do is install windows/linux on it. And then rip out the keyboard and duct tape one on there that isn't terrible.
Win, that is a win reply. Ehh, over the year and a half or so I have had it, I have gotten used to the keyboard.
I don't think I would hate mac's so much if the keyboards weren't so awful. The fact that they tell people that it's a premium piece of hardware is a load... Covering a piece of crap in brushed nickel does not make it good.
I don't think I would hate mac's so much if the keyboards weren't so awful. The fact that they tell people that it's a premium piece of hardware is a load... Covering a piece of crap in brushed nickel does not make it good.

I call.

For it to be a good computer, the first thing that you need to do is install windows/linux on it. And then rip out the keyboard and duct tape one on there that isn't terrible.

underneath the aqua gui is basically bsd, so no need to install linux on a mac, just run terminal and install X.
underneath the aqua gui is basically bsd, so no need to install linux on a mac, just run terminal and install X.
But then you're constantly reminded that your product was price about 100% more than it should have been, weather you bought it or not. On a side note, I'd consider a macbook air if it wasn't 300000930493094 dollars. It's so small!