Sooo I know everyone is in the festive "doomsday" mindset, especially looking at the new guest room. (very nice job btw ;)

I know most of everyone lives in different corners of the world and i thought it would be cool to share stories or videos of people flipping the *&^% out :D

Me personally i went to go shopping at walmart tonight at 2 AM to find an abnormally large crowd there. I was hoping to see people running for their life from blood covered zombies, but to no avail. ;(

So to put the scare back in me i like to watch/listen to a phone call on a radio talk show called coast to coast back in 2011.

Enjoy :D

2012 has gone from people actually believing it to milking it out for every joke/facebook like and killing the novelty of today with every ironic instance to it.

Im 5 hours into doomsday and I wanna delete my facebook cause of all the lame 2012 jokes. Anyways, I doubt anyone will freak out or really anyone will do anything.

But while we wait for something to happen lets listen to todays national anthem:
Well..... Since I live in Las Vegas, and today is the end of the world.....Maybe there will be zombie strippers coming out of the casinos today?
Can't get drunk until later today, as I need to drive to work in a few minutes... (8:13am right now)