drawing time!

holy somewhat thread revival batman



no one should ever give me note paper and a pen.
So I was working on another painting and in the middle of it my tablet's cord completely shit out on me so now I can't finish it till the wireless replacement I want gets here.

my reaction

All I got left is the trees and the grass/path and foliage around the rocks and this will pretty much be done but the precision I need to do those requires my tablet so fug.
And you did that with your drawing tablet? Wow. I would've thought it was a physical medium like acrylic or oil. That is a very nice drawing/painting. Color me impressed.
And you're not selling these, why? :p
I could open commissions. Once I get my new tablet wireless pack I plan to do at least 1 painting every weekend so maybe that one painting could be my weekly commission. Although I'd really like to limit them to just landscapes, my anatomy is crap.
I could open commissions. Once I get my new tablet wireless pack I plan to do at least 1 painting every weekend so maybe that one painting could be my weekly commission. Although I'd really like to limit them to just landscapes, my anatomy is crap.
Shit, and here I was hoping to get a penis drawing...