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dudeofx Cool-> Builder

Do you like my Pokeball design?

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New Member
Well, around this time I've been having some trouble connecting to the server. :fuuu: probably a problem with the new router I just installed. Anyways, I know I haven't done 40 hours of gameplay yet, but for now I'm just posting up what I've finished so far...

Straight off the bat, we have a 3d pokeball. I made this mainly because I wanted a cool place to chill. (It's hollow). I know It's probably been done before, but I just thought it would be fun to make. I'm not personally liking the look of the button in the middle, but Idk how to fix that...


For my next creation, I've made Castle BrickSkull. (Why yes, it is a reference to Castle Greyskull) Looking straight at is, you can see that it's very tall. (I couldn't step back any further because of a giant water screen [Don't ask]) Why is it raining? Why, it just adds to the ambiance of the castle.


Right as you walk in, go around the tree and you'll see an obsidian door. The king hides his most precious jewelry. Or at least, he used to before the siege of Brickskull. What's that? Never heard of the Siege of Brickskull? Well, allow me to explain.

Eons ago, a mighty king wanted his castle to stand tall. He wanted the castle to reflect the moral values of the working man, so he built it out of brick. There were no workers helping him build the castle. He did it all by himself. However, one day, the obsidian miners were eager to raid the kings palace of their jewelry. They noticed the doorway as soon as they walked in. (There was no tree there, or a hole in the roof for that matter.) The workers began digging rampantly around the doorway. They had tied up the king and chained him to a wall. As they were almost finished, one of the workers said "I can't wait to find all the diamonds, or gold ingots! Or... or..."


...TNT! You see, the king was very bad at wiring redstone traps. He couldn't figure out how to trick people into pulling levers, or stepping on pressure plates. So, what he did was fill an explosive proof room with TNT. Well, what can I say, it worked.


After the explosion killed off many workers, the obsidian workers bombarded the castle with lava and TNT. The roof could not hold against such force and crumbled under the explosions. The obsidian workers' leader pulled out a knife and slit the kings throat. The workers scrambled to leave, but with his last breath, the king scattered seeds all over the castle floor. Those seeds had the ability to grow anywhere. On that rainy night, the seeds flourished and grew into Colossus. The tree was the largest tree in the kingdom.


In fact, some say that the king's soul still rests in that tree...
Will we ever find out?


So anyway, that was my creation. I will still be frequently visiting the server. (It's awesome) And I am currently working on a giant tetris board in the Cool world. However, I got disconnected right before I Could take a picture. I'm almost done, just working on the score part...


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Dude, love the presentation, and I must say, I don't ever see that and I am a sucker for originality, so thats saying something. Keep up the great work, as I can't wait to see your future work and the way you present them!:)

Also, feel free to continue posting on this promotion application, as we review them quite often. Unfortunately I can not promote you yet, as we need to see much more from you, but continue what you are doing and have fun!
I know, I'm still going to keep playing, but my internet is still being set up. These are just the pictures that I have for now.
Dude, love the presentation, and I must say, I don't ever see that and I am a sucker for originality, so thats saying something. Keep up the great work, as I can't wait to see your future work and the way you present them!:)

Also, feel free to continue posting on this promotion application, as we review them quite often. Unfortunately I can not promote you yet, as we need to see much more from you, but continue what you are doing and have fun!

This was my thoughts exactly, loved the story, and I cannot wait to see more from you.
Well, I finished up a few things.


First of all, an Italian flag. Not really important, or hard to make (threw it together in a minute) Just wanted to show my italian pride. (I'm american, just italian descendants)


Bam! The second thing is the tetris pixel art I was talking about. I wanted to make the score 9000 (team 9000) but I also wanted to be considerate about other people's space.
My newest creation is the Temple of the Algernoquians. The temple was crafted 900 years ago after a submarine crashed in the middle of an abandoned ocean. The algernoquians salvaged the metal that fell to the bottom of the ocean. They also kidnapped any survivors of the crash and sealed them in the temple to decay. The temple has been enchanted to prevent water from spilling in.


The interior of the temple has been long abandoned. There is no record of any explorers excavating the temple... until now... There are many vines growing inside the temple and many skeletons are trapped in the vines. The golden shrine in the center appears to be a shrine to Bathus, god of the depths. We are further examining in the temple to find diamonds in the walls.


Lol loving the work, keep it up! You should consider joining us on mumble sometime, get to know everyone, as you seem like you have a great personality. Send me a message if you have any questions.
Just to let you know, we typically don't promote to builder until the 40 hour mark so continue having fun, building, and get some time in under your belt.