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Dudeofx's Building Permit.


New Member
Hi! My username is dudeofx and I think that I would be a great candidate for the survival community because I have experience with tree growth and harvesting. I commonly utilize wood in most of my structures. I will post some screenshots of what I have built in a survival world called "Ant Farm V2.0". This scenario perfectly shows how Innovative I can be when It comes to utilizing free space and clearing unwanted things from my maps. I have read the rules. I have plenty of experience on the classic server. I am a "Cool" on the classic server and have submitted a partial application for the next rank. I am about to connect to the Minecraft server to get in the database. I will post some pictures on the next post.
These are my pics from the survival scenario "Ant Farm" The map can be found on the Minecraft forums. These pictures were not modded in any way.

3submission1.png 3submission2.png 3submission3.png

The third image is a railway with booster tracks and goes around the whole map.
I also found out that you need pictures of houses. So, I made a house that I usually design in survival.
The inside would be different, but I made it in classic. Replace the dirt with a crafting bench, the stone with a furnace, and the slabs with a bed. I usually throw in a chest or two eventually...