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Eagle Pass Embassy...


New Member
Heya guys, me and my friend CorollaE12 are doing a lot of work in Minetopia trying to fix it up and just make it look nice and at least semi-un-griefed!
On my tour around I found the Eagle Pass Embassy, but it lacks one thing... a diplomat! So will anyone take up that position or will the Embassy remain closed forever? ;)
It would be nice to see that building used once again.
It's right in the heart of Minetopia, that area of the city is looking quite good lately.
All it needs is some people using these buildings. ;)
Seeing as there's an Eagle Pass embassy in Minetopia, surely that means Minetopia should have its own government... there's a "government"/empire system running in Eagle Pass, but the title seems to limit it to Eagle Pass, and having an embassy in Minetopia kinda shows it'is seperate governmentally to EP!
Shotgun Prime Minister ;)
the title? no one ever said we were or are limited to ep. We still manage Tower Bay in OxyTown
Haha well decide what you want to do with this Embassy ;) The doors are currently locke, not sure if that was by you guys or some griefer!
dont know either. Anyways was that supposed to be the Eagle Pass Embassy or its a CE embassy? Cuz that would be strange. Who made the embassy anyways?
No idea who made the Embassy, but when I saw it the sign outside said "Eagle Pass Embassy", today though you got "invaded" and some guy took down the signs and replaced it with "adam42591s palace" which I promptly removed and replaced with "Eagle Pass Embassy and /cprivate'd it. The office in the embassy was a bit nicer than it is now, but still the whole layout is great and it's a nice building.
the title? no one ever said we were or are limited to ep. We still manage Tower Bay in OxyTown

You do? That's funny since I have an abandoned frame of a house right next door to mine that has been there since BEFORE EP
also i think the sign is wrong, ep is controlled by ce, so basically that would be the ce embassy
I believe the sign said to contact Zakkon originally, but it could have been griefed..., I will visit it today and check it out, I have a storage hub directly behind it... I do know the house your talking about, I wasnt sure if it was abandoned or what so I never messed with it, I like to keep the small square in good shape in that area...