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EAGLE PASS HAS MOVED TO THE FUTURE (we are now in the present)


Well-Known Member
Basically to attract new citizens i'm switching the city style to MODERN.
The currently built up part of Eagle Pass will be the Historical district and any new builds will make part of the Modern district.
  • You can still build by the old theme
  • The minimum lot size will be bigger,
    although if you want smaller you can go for it.
  • You still won't be able to build giant cobble boxes,
    either that or i will have to implement a fashion nazi commitee that will walk around modifying builds that dont follow the rules.
  • You can go for bigger builds.
    not sure about limits though, although for any MEGAMALL or any other such monstrosities you'll probably have to contact the officials.
  • No height limits,
    would be nice to see people preferring not to build right up to the limits but oh well i won't stop you (probably).
  • You can build in any material
    as long as it's not the only material you use.
  • Glass windows obligatory,
    this is not the prehistoric age, we have glass ya know. Actually any windows can do. Theres also a minimum 2 block height but it's more of a discussion point as of yet.
  • Quality over quantity
    this is mostly a recommendation: rather make 5 grand and spacious floors than splitting them into 10 floors that will resemble a ghetto tenement.
  • No 9 block column towers,
    theres enough space for some decent builds rather than towers that encase a single staircase, sheesh.

REALISM IS THE MAIN GOAL, Eagle Pass looks great because it has the proportions right, and doesnt show any signs of the NoobTown Ghetto Syndrome that Oxytown suffered of, mostly the thin windowless towers scattered around and the cramped boxes.

SO what do you guys think, what suggestions can you offer, anything you do/don't want in the new theme/ruleset?
I approve of this. I still think Eagle Pass is the best city and just needs more people/development. Also some lots were left abandoned and incomplete- my neighbor never moved in he just has a base wooden framework (ground) mixed in with dirt. It sits adjacent to my property on Pineapple Blvd near the bridge. I wouldn't mind purchasing the lot and extending my own home- but I'm not sure who to file the requests with or what the rules regarding it are.
i'm giving the choice of either reintroducing taxes or setting a MAXIMUM size limit to something like 30x30. This or we would cancel the whole property system and just limit property to the foundations of the build, this is supposing no land fights would occur because a neighbour suddenly decides to expand his already giant mansion-skyscraper into an uncomfortable direction. Removing the lot system would either create foundations which are too big even for the build the player is making or create disputes based on colliding builds.
Now, remeber I am unexperienced on Team9k Beta, but from the griping I have heard, the taxes are cheesing people off. It would be ideal for people just to have a maximum area they can build in, but it may not work in theory.

"The best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. But there has never been a benevolent dicatorship."

I would love to join the new Eagle Pass - I just gotta find where it is. For some reason, the map doesn't work on my laptop (probably 'cos it's cruddy), so I'll see what I can do. I'm all for being part of a community.
I think I would be OK with unlimited lot sizes and no "taxes." The idea that I have to give my diamond, which I use to make pickaxes, to someone else just to make my home bigger is dumb, IMO. Keeping the same infrastructure in place (streets and the minecart track, et. al.) and allowing players to build whatever size they see fit may be more enticing. I would give heavy consideration to going back to EP and making some more additions to my swanky brick domicile.

Given the already established properties in the city, I think people building mega huge structures will be unlikely. As long as there are still zones in the city where residences cannot be built.
I need to make a giant red dot next to the portal so it can be seen from the map clearly :D
I think i'll bite the bullet and see how this turns up: this means
  • NO TAXES!!!!!!!!!
  • NO SIZE LIMITS!!!!!!!!
but if i see that the deal goes wild expect heavy repercussions :p
pray for it to be a succesfull venture >:D
I think i'll bite the bullet and see how this turns up: this means
  • NO TAXES!!!!!!!!!
  • NO SIZE LIMITS!!!!!!!!
but if i see that the deal goes wild expect heavy repercussions :p
pray for it to be a succesfull venture >:D

Ok, sure thing Hawke. Now I actually need to find Eagle Pass, and get me some resources...
You could go taxes but provide other ways of paying. For example, you could require someone does a certain number of hours in constructing a community project as a tax. Or when PvP is enabled you could conscript them to the army in return for free housing. You could even allow people to pay any resource as tax, just scale it so its fair, after all, you will need resources for the construction companies to build with. All I'm saying is that diamonds aren't the only way to pay taxes.
If you can't use the map on the Wiki (It runs well with Firefox), the portal to Eagle Pass is located Southwest of spawn at 1710x, 449z. Now just press F3 and you get a histogram with X,Y,Z above it. Just keep F3 open while heading to the EP coordinates, when they match up, hopefully you'll be at the portal.
I think i'll bite the bullet and see how this turns up: this means
  • NO TAXES!!!!!!!!!
  • NO SIZE LIMITS!!!!!!!!
but if i see that the deal goes wild expect heavy repercussions :p
pray for it to be a succesfull venture >:D
you really...really.. shoulda done this 4 months ago....
You could go taxes but provide other ways of paying. For example, you could require someone does a certain number of hours in constructing a community project as a tax. Or when PvP is enabled you could conscript them to the army in return for free housing. You could even allow people to pay any resource as tax, just scale it so its fair, after all, you will need resources for the construction companies to build with. All I'm saying is that diamonds aren't the only way to pay taxes.

I had pushed for a economic system previously in another thread some time ago, about when Eagle Pass was going to debut, if memory serves. My idea was a barter system of sorts, where trading one type of material would equal the value of another type. The idea wasn't really well received, most players that replied said they would prefer to haggle their own personal trades, since each user may value a particular resource more than another. I thought it would be a way to maybe help newer players get some harder to find resources sooner and get them on their way a bit easier. To be honest, I can see where a trading post/system is a bit silly, and that unless the post had access to rare/unusual items like clay, certain dyes, saddles, cookies, et. al.
I had pushed for a economic system previously in another thread some time ago, about when Eagle Pass was going to debut, if memory serves. My idea was a barter system of sorts, where trading one type of material would equal the value of another type. The idea wasn't really well received, most players that replied said they would prefer to haggle their own personal trades, since each user may value a particular resource more than another. I thought it would be a way to maybe help newer players get some harder to find resources sooner and get them on their way a bit easier. To be honest, I can see where a trading post/system is a bit silly, and that unless the post had access to rare/unusual items like clay, certain dyes, saddles, cookies, et. al.

An econmic system would certainly be interesting to use, but, I find haggling and such to be the way to go. In my own opinion, of course.