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EAGLE PASS HAS MOVED TO THE FUTURE (we are now in the present)

If I have a home in the historic district is it considered "history" and I can build something in the modern district? Or do I have to tear down my home in the historic district (which I won't do)
Hey, if anyone needs to get to Eagle Pass, but don't know where to find it, I tunneled directly from spawn to Eagle Pass.
The tunnel can be found right behind the Spawn building, just look for a pillar with a torch on the top and three torches on the sides.
There's also a rule board that's pretty easy to spot.

Oh, and can I build something in the modern district too?
I do have a building already in the historic district.
So where exactly will the modern district be in EP?
If size limitations are being removed can I expand onto an empty lot that are already next to my land/touching it (in the historial district)?
Or do the new Sizes only apply to modern district?
I'm not worried about the sizing limits being repealed, we only have so many capable of building in Eagle Pass, and I don't see a trust issue there.
Thanks everyone for your help. I'll get onto it soonish.
I actually think a barter system would work well - for example, if someone wanted iron really badly, because they wanted to make minecart tracks, people might pay more for it, and things like that. Haggling and bartering would ultimately end in happiness for all... Although there may be blackmail - for example, some unscrupulous player could be hoarding all of the one type of resource (e.g. clay or diamonds), and may force desperate players into an unfair deal.

I don't want to be arguing or contradicting, but I think a community service-type-thing would be unrealistic. Like Hawke said, it would require a lot of supervision. Also, much like real life, people do it reluctantly. I think it could end badly - although for someone with little resources (e.g. one of the countless n00bs like myself) it would be a godsend.

Thanks guys - this all sounds good. I dunno what you mean by 'casino on', Juco, but it's nice you are thinking about me :)
And so, when I finally arrive at Eagle Pass, I feel good knowing a new, rejuvenated city will await me. Save me a spot in the modern district Hawke, please - Vorsprung is coming to town.
Also, the other active thread reminded me :
just in case.
T_T why cant we just go back to firethorn... a whitelisted outlands.. thats it....no other worlds...just fun...not one limit to your imagination.
Economy will only be truly successful if we make life in Minecraft like life in the Real World.

In my "Kingdoms" Idea I thought to use Gold Ingot as the common currency, of course bartering is still allowed, but atleast a currency gives an indication on the usual price of items. Having a common currency also makes employment and the cost of services easier to determine. Personally I would love to see a map where the building of shelter is limited and people have to pay for accomodation and land, just like in the real world. What this does is stimulate economy and ensure people either work or mine for gold. This also, which is the biggest attribute, lets players "show-off" their power by being rich and finally gives players a goal to work towards. Please take a look at BETA PVP (Battle grief only) Thread if you haven't all ready.

Ok so I haven't read the replies in detail yet, I will when I get home, but so far good idea I think, Hopefully people wont go crazy and will put detail in their builds. I can't wait to get back to Eagle Pass. The build I was planning for Elm Creek I will move to Eagle Pass, I just do not feel like wasting half my play time on rail. I've already clocked in like 700 km on rail. Plus with the storage carts not working, yeah, not doing it. Unless the Portal world is up. Is it?