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Active Member
Imagine you're walking around in a dark, ancient pyramid of doom. Suddenly... A WILD GOLBAT APPEARS!
Now you can play ^^
Figured I'd try "composing" some indie video game music for my eventually upcoming indie video game.
Instead of going for a title theme I just went for something re-usable as battle music, seeing as when I start making my game I will most certainly have different ideas about a title theme.
Yes, I am new, if you hadn't noticed. The blog title wasn't (only) for fun, you know.
I thought it was popular to compose short pieces of music here, but apperently since I'm not making dubsteb everyone disses me.
we don't diss you because you don't make dubstep, i never listen to dubstep.
but to me it sounds like an untuned guitar: no matter how good you can play, it wil always sound wierd.
in this case it's the fact that it needs a key <3
That's becuase it's not a guitar, it's a piano. Not the usual kind, I believe it's called a young chang piano, which has it's own tune (not like the old wild west piano's though). You're right though, it's not perfectly tuned all of the time. For example I used a tuned A4 note, and used it on two octaves while making a melody. In short, instead of using for example a real C5 note, I tuned an A4 note into a C5 note. I suppose I could do the work and use the real sounds instead.
im a pianist and i've been a pianist for almost 9 years now, and I've played on a Young Chang before. In fact, we have one at our school. Obviously a Young Chang has its own tune, but so does Yamaha, Steinway, Bossendorfer, Fazioli, Essex (designed by steinway), etc. What everyone else is saying is that there is no key that the song is centered around. Call it twelve tone music i suppose, but saying that it has its own tune isnt really an excuse. Look up what "keys" are and you'll understand what they're talking about. but if you don't want to, then lemme explain in a separate comment
there are two different types of keys, Major and Minor (unless you get into the more complex shit, then there would be four). Major sounds happy, Minor sounds sad. A "key" that a piece or song is set in refers to the set tonic note (the starting and ending key in a scale). Whether it's major or minor is dependent on the keys that follow the tonic note (or the pattern of whole steps to half steps). By using a key, you have a "path" for the music to follow. In other words, the music will make more sense and be more pleasurable to one's ear. What makes it interesting is the various parts of dissonance scattered through the music because those parts of dissonance may not follow the general key.
I reckon that you should make another blog or thread with the new one. As far as it goes, I like this one, precisely because it's discordant and it creates suspense.