Fallout New Vegas!

I can tell you the story =P

So you're this guy (r girl) who was borne and your father then looked at you and told you were so sweet =P Long story short then you escaped from vault (101 was it) the you run like hell bcause there are mutants and you reach the city called something something atomic =P Then you search your father bcause he is lost and etc. =P
You forgot about the part where you fill your whole house with nuka cola bottles, then swim in them.

Oh that was just in my game? nvm then
Not me - my step-dad. Not going to get to play it until A: He finishes it (most importantly) and B: I get a job. (Working on getting one at Gamestop :D)
Followed the whole series, great games, when you get the time Woot you should play through number Fallout 3.
Based on the few channels I've seen, Bethesda seems to be C&D'ing all broadcasting sites until the game's worldwide release date, which is this Friday.