Fantasy Talk


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I was thinking recently that I have been playing a lot of fantasy games (mainly Final Fantasy) and watching fantasy movies, so I thought I'd talk about fantasy stuff.

First off, I've been trying to think of unique fantasy weapons for my story that I'm trying to make. If you have any ideas, I would like to know.

Also, for you Final Fantasy fans, Who's your favorite character and why? My favorite male character is Auron (FFX) and favorite female character is Aeris (Aerith; FFVII).
Mabey a weapon that once used on an enemy of great power, turns to stone and must be revitalized in some sort of magical...thing...
Mabey a weapon that once used on an enemy of great power, turns to stone and must be revitalized in some sort of magical...thing...
Well, I don't know about stone, but I have an idea for weapons that are one-shot and break/weaken after the first hit.

Also, there are three basic meters for my story/video game ideas. Health, Mana, and Psyche (used for stuff like telekinesis, teleportation, mind control, and telepathy). I also have a villain who is a master of Psyche.

My villain has no name yet. He is a puppetmaster. He uses telekinesis and mind control to turn living and deceased creatures into puppets. He can even make dummies, called Scarecrows, to become nonliving puppets. He himself has no physical or magical attacks, but he can cause you to hallucinate, like seeing and feeling fake walls, and he can even try to mind control you. Once defeated, he leaves behind a doll, called The Scarecrow. The Scarecrow increases Psychic abilities ten-fold.
Unique? Well damn. I was going to say something along the lines of "Super Dragon Sword Of Ultimate Power."
Im in no way saying XIII-2 was amazing. But I would love to see a type weapon that is for " The Jack of all trades ", Kind of like a Broadsword, can split to dual wield/bow/spear

Like Serahs Bow but more versatile
I had an idea like that before. I called the concept the OmniBlade (not because of Omnislash, just because Omni means many). The idea was of a greatsword that would do all of these in this example:

  • Greatsword (Default)
Path 1
  • Shortsword (Pull out handle)
  • Rifle (Put excess blade on shortsword, extend blade to make barrel; semi and full-auto; complete with beyonette)
  • Grenade Launcher (Fold back barrel, allowing grenades to be placed; Fires multiple types of rounds; Path ends)
Path 2
  • Twin blades (Split handle in two)
  • Bow (Attatch swords at the handle)
  • Crossbow (Split off back of Twin swords and attatch them in the middle)
  • Shotgun (Close arch; Path ends)

Of course, the OmniBlade would recognize you transforming it, working with the user (When you fold the barrel back for the grenade launcher, a new barrel appears big enough for grenade rounds). Also, the paths go in an order, making better weapondry have longer changing times (You cannot go directly from Greatsword to Shotgun. It must first go through Twin swords, then Bow, then Crossbow, and then Shotgun). The same rules apply for changing paths (To go from Shotgun to Grenade Launcher, you must go through Path 1 backwards, then go through Path 2 regularly.)

NOTE* Path 1, due to its sudden change from sword to rifle to launcher, requires a larger changing time than Path 2 transformations.
What you need is a large knife that has a hollow handle where a fuel canister can be inserted and a button cab make flames appear from the tip.
Ehh...possibly. I like how everyone has at least a semi-logical explanation as to how the weapon works. My ideas do have magic, but not everything is logical just with that aspect (a sword that shoots out miniature swords with no explanation how it does compared to the same idea, but with two spring-loaded slots where you can insert a blade like a ballistic knife.)
Im in no way saying XIII-2 was amazing. But I would love to see a type weapon that is for " The Jack of all trades ", Kind of like a Broadsword, can split to dual wield/bow/spear

Like Serahs Bow but more versatile
IIIX-2, If only they didn't default to an awful time-travel scenario, I might of enjoyed the game more.
Versatility is a great thing for weapons, it speaks a lot for the characters that wield it. Also, they're way more interesting and useful than a generic, giant, hunk 'o steel sword.
Maybe ill draw up a prototype show you guys, I could also maybe actually make the blade since I have a few stuff laying around :3
What you need is a large knife that has a hollow handle where a fuel canister can be inserted and a button cab make flames appear from the tip.

That might work, first thing that comes to mind is that sword you got in Fallout 3: Operation Archorage