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/fly command idea


Active Member
i know we all hate that pesky /fly command and all so i have a easy fix....

we allow people to use /fly but instead of allowing them to fly it displays a message on their screen saying "in order to fly you need to Download WoM Client".

not only that it saves us time to not explain to people to download wom.

im not sure if this has been said before or not but it seem like a good idea :) happy gaming! :D
here is what it looks like....

fly command idea.jpg
or have code written that everytime they type /fly it displays a message like:

Oh noes! this command is disabled, please google and download the Wom client from WorldOfMInecraft.net!
and not to go way off topic i also had another idea for a command called /WEB

/web would be a Awesome+ command, and it would auto-display a /say message saying
"Join Team9000.net, and learn more about the community!"
This idea... must ponder...

*1 second later*
My response.
Awesome Cleavage.png

The excitement at the proposed idea, being expressed by this picture, does not reflect my own level of interest in the proposal, but it does reflect my approval of said proposal.

I think this would be a lovely idea. It would cut down on the unnecessary chatter and make it much easier to teach people how to fly. Unfortunately, therein lies a possible problem:
It will also teach griefers how to fly.

Just a thought :D
I think this is a great idea. i also think that Awesome ranked players should have colours back again as most of us were using it to hightlught important things like "Want to build? Type/rules to see how!"
I came into this thread expecting to see some newb suggesting that we add a fly command, I'm very happy that my expectations were dashed to a pulp. I'm all for this idea, %100. It wont stop all the people asking how to fly question %100 of the time... but it'll get rid of some of them, I haven't been on Classic for a while but... does /rules say anything about flying, or WOM? Because if not we should add something there. When someone asks “How to fly” we could simply direct them to the “/rules” instead of typing out “Google WOM to fly” or going into all of that.
I had this idea too, but I'm shy and never talked about it anywhere. +1 for the /fly command.

I had another idea: trying to build in the main world (only for guests) would show either: "You must join the guest world. Type /j guest." or "Type /rules to learn how to build". The current error "You cannot build in this world" makes the noobest guests confused sometimes.
I had this idea too, but I'm shy and never talked about it anywhere. +1 for the /fly command.

I had another idea: trying to build in the main world (only for guests) would show either: "You must join the guest world. Type /j guest." or "Type /rules to learn how to build". The current error "You cannot build in this world" makes the noobest guests confused sometimes.
/rules. You want them to read the rules before entering guest, no?
I had this idea too, but I'm shy and never talked about it anywhere. +1 for the /fly command.

I had another idea: trying to build in the main world (only for guests) would show either: "You must join the guest world. Type /j guest." or "Type /rules to learn how to build". The current error "You cannot build in this world" makes the noobest guests confused sometimes.
I only like the part you suggested where it says to them to read the /rules. Allot of them won't read the rules if it said that they need to type /j guest. So we would end up with allot more grief, p-builds and swastikas than usual if it told them to type /j guest.
Good idea, great suggestion.

same goes for /web, I think awesome+ need a set up commands for displaying server messages like visit Team9000.net, Google WoM to Fly, etc, etc.

If woot feels like coding it in, or what have you, that my friends... is a whole 'nother story.