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/fly command idea

I don't think team9000 officially supports WOM though. Meaning that we are not going to build it into our server to advertise for them. There was some debate a while back about whether or not we should suggest that people use WoM, or let them find it on their own.
I don't think team9000 officially supports WOM though. Meaning that we are not going to build it into our server to advertise for them. There was some debate a while back about whether or not we should suggest that people use WoM, or let them find it on their own.
I always thought they should find it themselves, and we continue to make comments like Want to fly? Use HM02! and what have you. I, personally, dislike the idea of our worlds being filled with flying griefers. This gives them the ability to take chunks from multiple builds and possibly evade us for a while.

I always felt that once a player hits, let's say, Builder, we teach them how to fly if they don't already know.
I don't think team9000 officially supports WOM though. Meaning that we are not going to build it into our server to advertise for them. There was some debate a while back about whether or not we should suggest that people use WoM, or let them find it on their own.
well, if you dont wanna advertise them, why not have one of us ( Team9000 community) to make a more advanced system to fly?
And I was being sarcastic. ;)
Well, I stole your face!
I always thought they should find it themselves, and we continue to make comments like Want to fly? Use HM02! and what have you. I, personally, dislike the idea of our worlds being filled with flying griefers. This gives them the ability to take chunks from multiple builds and possibly evade us for a while.

I always felt that once a player hits, let's say, Builder, we teach them how to fly if they don't already know.
Why u steal my HM02 joke?
Why u steal my HM02 joke?
First of all, it's an example.. there's also Furkey's Flap your arms... really hard, Drink Redbull, or even Eat a leaf
Secondly, I borrowed it. What's so wrong with other people saying it? It means it was good.
First of all, it's an example.. there's also Furkey's Flap your arms... really hard or even Eat a leaf
Secondly, I borrowed it. What's so wrong with other people saying it? It means it was good.
I think he was being sarcastic.
(No, Vorsprung, don't put that asdfmovie joke here again.)
I'm pretty sure he's just being friendly/jokey.
Maybe, but still...

I have a fever, it's 5am, I've had 2 hours of on and off napping, and a migraine.. I'm sorry if anything I replied with came across as offensive in any way, since I honestly can't tell at the moment. Also, my "sarcasm meter" is malfunctioning due to over-heating.
Bear with me <3