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Does Ambi even need to trade anymore? I thought she had all the things already.

My point is this:

In high-teir TF2 trading, it can be important to have a middle-man service. But there is an incredibly small amount of people on T9K who would get any sorta benefit outta having those services here.

Not to mention, there's logistics and trust issues.

Ambi probably does have all the things, but I'm making a point here. :)
You could sell Runescape accounts and gold, WoW accounts, Rs and WoW Time cards. There could also be leveling services games, people get vouch threads...
Wow. Almost a year-dead revival. Medical Science has improved, I see.
We have the technology to make them live forever.

We use it sparingly.

One of our most successful test subjects has been "The fastest dying thread"
We have the technology to make them live forever.

We use it sparingly.

One of our most successful test subjects has been "The fastest dying thread"
We haven't yet proven "forever." However, so far we've managed to extend the average lifespan by 22 months.
I like the fact that I am now the richest person on team9000, in terms of tf2. (Ambi u r big skem guy so u don't count) :D
Implying that's a big accomplishment.
