

Well-Known Member
oh boy where should i start...

the story of fox_news
i am a 15 years old and i am in high school. i have been with t9k for about 1 year. i love playing minecraft classic, minecraft survival, and TF2. in my spare time i read books, teach myself java, and make some minecraft mods. i know most of you are asking yourself "why the hell would he pick that name?!?" well i have said it many times but i will say it here just to get the point across to all of you. ok here it is...
it all started one cold and dark winter night in my houses kitchen. my dad turned on fox_news channel and i started to watch it with him. my friend gave me a call and told me about a game called minecraft. i played the cracked version and loved it so much that i bought the game. when i was buying the game i didn't know what to put as my username (my dad was watching fox_news when i was choosing my name) so i just choose fox_news symbolizing the great times me and my dad have had together in the past.
and that is the story of how i choose my name.
if you would like to know more about me just contact me with your question and i will answer it ASAP
everyone hates on me because of my name. when they hate on the name they hate on my father which pisses me off to the max

No, everyone hates on your name because Fox News represents the most obnoxious, retarded, egotistical, hypocritical, Misinforming news program to every be created, which also Contains Bill O'Reilly who's views are twisted and moronic with an ego the size of the moon.
did i ever say i didn't like fox_news? i still like it -_-
You are free to like what ever you wish, and we are in no way insulting you or your father. But you need to realize that the majority of the internet has a major problem with Fox News because, honestly, they do not in any way deserve recognition for the crap they spew. Their entire program is full of biased propaganda and, 90% of the time, flat out lies.

But back to the point, I am glad you chose the name because it reminds you of your father, and it is always good to stay close to your father, because they are usually the best role models to follow. But remember, as is with anything controversial, if it's in your name, be prepared to get insulted for it. Just don't let the insults get to you and you will be fine.
No, everyone hates on your name because Fox News represents the most obnoxious, retarded, egotistical, hypocritical, Misinforming news program to every be created, which also Contains Bill O'Reilly who's views are twisted and moronic with an ego the size of the moon.
...and then they respond to criticism by claiming to "balance" the media. If, say, the majority of their viewers don't watch other news programs, or only watch them via an analysis by Fox News, then the result is a very large group of people with only one side of any story.

The way I see it, when a station has more viewers, they have more responsibility to keep the information flowing to their viewers unbiased and honest. Not to mention that they set themselves up for criticism by calling themselves "Fair and Balanced".

Journalism ethics and standards aside, what really ticks me off is the way they inflate trivial issues, while downplaying or even ignoring actual issues. For example, they complain about the "War on Christmas" while ignoring actual Christians being killed for being Christians. As a Christian, I find that deplorable and completely inexcusable. Another issue they ignored completely was the suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer. I think numbers will say more than words here:
  1. Fox News results: 7
  2. CNN results: ~544
  3. MSNBC Results: ~271
Analysis of these numbers: Fox News either didn't want their viewers to know that a child took his own life after being bullied by homophobes, didn't care enough to include it, or just didn't know. The first is despicable, the others are just sad. What's worse is that if people who watch Fox News don't watch other news programs, they would likely never have had the chance to know that this tragedy even occurred (or that the type of hate mongering and ignorance Fox News creates helped drive a child to kill himself).

Edit: Ok, I do kind of understand what fox_news is talking about. I'm a Missourian, and let's just say that I have a difference of opinion in regards to certain radio shows with respect to some members of my family - but I still love those members of my family. I've also done things on a whim - "StTheo" is the result a name someone once jokingly called me, and I just wasn't creative enough to think of a better one. Understand, though, that what comes to your mind when you think of Fox News is not likely what comes to the minds of others.
I can understand where he is coming from though, my father and I watch PBS Newshour every day together and 60 minutes every Sunday. It's a tradition sort of. I know one day I'll look back and reminisce of the days when we laughed at the stupid shit happening in the world.
I do not want to disrespect his memory of his dad but it is unfortunate that he has attached that memory to Fox News.

Kids run around outside practicing their ninja moves for hours after watching a ninja movie, Adults stand on street corners for hours telling Mexicans to go home after watching Fox News ->

Both are easily influenced but at least ninjas have awesome ninja powers :/

Revival wasn't necessary...