Free PC/Steam Game Ideas


Well-Known Member
So, it's happened to me again. About 6 months ago I was faced with this exact same problem, I'm bored as hell, I don't have money to spend on games, but I want a new game to play.
If any of you have any suggestions, they will be appreciated and I will try about 90% of those suggested.
Please keep in mind I've played the following games:
  • Team Fortress 2
  • ALL of the MOBAs (ex. League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, DOTA, Smite)
  • Tribes Ascend
  • Realm of the Mad God
  • Slender
  • ANY Emulator (seriously I played all the games I've ever wanted to on them)
  • Majority of popular MMO's
  • Planetside 2
  • APB Reloaded
  • Trackmania
  • Gotham City Imposters
I would recommend Dragonball Online but it's a foreign MMO (there are english patch's for it though) with no specified date for localisation and I'm pretty sure you have to pay for it. I'd try Super Monday Night Combat, while not having played it personally, the first addition in the series was a great game in it's own right and I'm sure the second one is a good game as well.

As a side note to the Utsulo and Vorsprungs comments the likelihood the both of you having not torrented anything before is low.
APB Reloaded is fine. What problems do you have with it?
I've heard DC Universe if fun, but I never played it.
You could try Vindictus or Dragon Nest, those are KICKASS games.(free)
so I recommend DC universe (champions online is ok but I like dc more) and the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online.
since you already play league you are more than welcome to join some of your fellow league players :D (including me)
um um um There is lord of the rings online, there is path of exile (this is similar to diabo 3 and torchlight 2 (but free atm)
if you are really bored flash games provide minor amusement (look up "N" especially if you like platformers)
yea lol I dont know many f2p games atm but google is your friend lol
I ahve an extremely bad feeling about ES online for some reasons. Also, imo LOTRO turned to crap when it went f2p, i wouldn't recommend it.

If you don't mind the bad graphics and some slight lag, there i also Shores of Hazeron, a completely free (not pay 2 win) and extremely wide game. It's kind of a rpg-like game, in space.
Only game you ever need to play

(It has Polka too)
Adultswim has some of the best flash games out there... who can forget titles like Robot Unicorn Attack, Amateur Surgeon and My Lil' Bastard.

If you played Robot Unicorn Attack, you'll now be looking for that music that makes you feel all manly and awesome.
Reviving this thread because I want everyone to go play Path of Exile. It's a pretty awesome game, and anyone who has any respect for dungeon crawlers, this is a great game.
Reviving this thread because I want everyone to go play Path of Exile. It's a pretty awesome game, and anyone who has any respect for dungeon crawlers, this is a great game.
I like torchlight 2 a little bit better than path of exile, mainly because torchlight 2 is by people who worked on diablo 1&2 plus the original torchlight. Other wise path of exile has a lot more freedom in terms of how you want to build your character and that is always nice!

another free to play game that looks really cool is warframe, I personally cannot vouch for it but the trailer looks interesting.

hearthstone right now is free and fun if you like card games.
I like torchlight 2 a little bit better than path of exile, mainly because torchlight 2 is by people who worked on diablo 1&2 plus the original torchlight. Other wise path of exile has a lot more freedom in terms of how you want to build your character and that is always nice!

another free to play game that looks really cool is warframe, I personally cannot vouch for it but the trailer looks interesting.

hearthstone right now is free and fun if you like card games.
I'm not a huge fan for Warframe, the combat is nice but the lack of alot of game types and such doesn't hold my interest for long.
Spiral Knights is a lot of fun, provided you bring a buddy along. It's designed for co-op play, plus it's a lot more fun with someone else. :3