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Fun cleanup

I think the fun world has had enough. we should probably reset it every year or so but if not i am going to clean it up and fix some builds that have been griefed. It is a big project i know but i think team9000 is capable of doing it. cool+ unite!!!
I think the fun world has had enough. we should probably reset it every year or so but if not i am going to clean it up and fix some builds that have been griefed. It is a big project i know but i think team9000 is capable of doing it. cool+ unite!!!
Purterter pls, fun is pretty damn clean right now, you should have seen it before "that one guy" completely cleaned it.....
Let alone the fact that without mod approval, it is considered grief to destroy others' builds, even if it is in Fun. But, most of the time I think we're OK with cleaning Fun, as long as we're given a head's up.
oh lol thee pro. i just checked and its pretty neat so far. sure it wont stay that way but at the moment its fine. you may close this thread pros.
Fun is fun, we don't clean it.
In terms of grief in the world, I'm fairly sure we don't act on it either.
However, offensive builds are fair game.