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Funny MineCraft Moments

I don't get the Funny thing about that..
Console has deemed Wooty the chosen one, and enabled him the eternal rule over the kingdom of Team9000.

From a mere guest, bestowed upon him was the Blessing of the Console, granting him full power over our Universe, creating the "Owner", the Firstborn of the "Reds'".

These blessings were given to him by Console that can only be descibed as "asdf". The true meaning of "asdf" has never been discovered, however, scholars of several fields within the Order of 9001 can only speculate, that "asdf" is to be taken as our motto, as the very meaning of life.

From a single guest, has spawned an entire server, the very fabric of our universe was destined to be sown together by Console's "Chosen One".

PROMOTION WARP, Console, and "asdf" are what we, as T9Kers strive for... No mere griefer, spammer or inappropriate builder can ever stop us now... Things are going just according to plan, and we will not fail, with our powerful leader commanding the charge for realms "Over 9000".

Although such speculation is thoroughly theoretical, we can only experience such magnificent histories in the making, through the use of our databases, and simple commands such as "/info".
[2011-12-04 10:02:57] lameducks: death
[2011-12-04 10:03:05] lameducks: you haveing fun?
[2011-12-04 10:03:16] Death_Tin2: ya im greifing
[2011-12-04 10:03:21] lameducks: o really
[2011-12-04 10:03:39] rollerxray7: dont kill my mum btw
[2011-12-04 10:03:44] Death_Tin2 was kicked by lameducks
[2011-12-04 10:03:44] Kick reason: griefing-ig yupper you sure are

i just could not leave out with roller said^^
Got some very old pics (i used them for promotion to cool ^^)

Here we got Rem as guest:

TheChrisHill as COOL :O

Klinkman answering my random questions
