
I think I have just done the greatest thread revive of all time

Are any of you that big into geocaching? I'm quite a fan myself, and it's a great way to have fun with friends and family or just to pass some time. If you aren't at all familiar with this, try this link:

Basically, it's a worldwide outdoor treasure hunt. By going to this website, you log in your address and it shows you all the coordinates of available containers or "geocaches" that are close to you. Inside these geocaches are just little treasures or random crap people put in it. You really just play to find the container, not get the prizes (they're usually like little toys and cheap trinkets anyway). There are geocaches all around the world, and if you want, you can hide one too! It's really addicting and most of the fun is finding the geocache. The only materials you'll need is a GPS, a pencil to write a log in the logbook from the geocache, and a membership on the site to record your findings.

If you have any stories or you actually know what this is, feel free to comment!
this was popular in my town untill we all took arrows to the knees had a series of kids start the "geo thieves"needless to say half of the caches are now gone from the town...
buffulo97 said:
this was popular in my town untill we all took arrows to the knees had a series of kids start the "geo thieves"needless to say half of the caches are now gone from the town...

That is just appalling!
buffulo97 said:
nah, we knew who it was, it lasted until we were talking about it on a soccer team bus ride to a tournament, long story short:
the seniors heard= no more thieves xD

I bet you were one of the thieves... Jks... :p
Are any of you that big into geocaching? I'm quite a fan myself, and it's a great way to have fun with friends and family or just to pass some time. If you aren't at all familiar with this, try this link:

Basically, it's a worldwide outdoor treasure hunt. By going to this website, you log in your address and it shows you all the coordinates of available containers or "geocaches" that are close to you. Inside these geocaches are just little treasures or random crap people put in it. You really just play to find the container, not get the prizes (they're usually like little toys and cheap trinkets anyway). There are geocaches all around the world, and if you want, you can hide one too! It's really addicting and most of the fun is finding the geocache. The only materials you'll need is a GPS, a pencil to write a log in the logbook from the geocache, and a membership on the site to record your findings.

If you have any stories or you actually know what this is, feel free to comment!

+ bump
The world's 2 millionth active cache is in Alice Springs Australia !

also for any of you not in Australia
