Get to Know a Gamer: Blame 'Crane

How Should Crane Pay?

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Well-Known Member
I regret to inform you all that this week's "Get to Know a Gamer" must be delayed. NewspaperCrane is supposed to be highlighted in this week's segment, but he is too busy rap battling homeless people for their money to donate to homeless people. He did send me this message, asking me to "lie your [Moondoggy23] ass off about the whole situation so I [NewspaperCrane] don't look like a douche." I have already spoken with NewpaperCrane and we will get something done for everyone next week. In the meantime, if you do see him, you are permitted to kick Crane square in the nuts, whereupon he is to say "Oi! 'ello gov'nah! Moity foine weathah we havin' today, eh?" Thankfully, I was able to make up this entire interview on here in about half an hour dig up this wonderful interview I made with another, well-known member of T9K some time ago. So, without further ado, here is my exclusive interview with Awesome Face.

1. When did you decide to join Team 9000? I joined Team 9000 back when my friend introduced me to the forums sometime after The Internet was created. The place seemed cool, but I felt I could really help out the community and bring it's status from 'cool' to 'awesome.' It took a bit of time, but now I'm almost everywhere on the forums and in several games T9Kers play all the time making sure everything stays awesome.

2. So, why Awesome Face? Why not be Thrilled Face or, ZOMG Face? Because those don't make sense. Observe this picture and you'll see what I mean.


3. What sort of games do you play? Awesome games. Awesome games like Food Fight for the Atari, Crash Bandicoot, and Too Human.


4. If you had to choose between having the ability to manipulate water and the power to control metal, which would you choose and why? Y'know...I'd have to say neither. They're not awesome enough. I'd rather have a power like ripping off hot women's clothes by blinking at them. THAT'S an awesome power.


5. What is your earliest gaming memory? Heiankyo Alien for GameBoy. I remember playing that so much and thinking to myself, "this is so awesome!" Nothing like running around and burying aliens in a city.


6. Your likeness seems to be all over The Internet now. Do you get stopped on the street when people see you? Actually, no. I guess I'm different looking in real life than in my picture. It's a little disconcerting, since I'm kind of a big deal.

7. Where is the one place you want to go before you die? I want to see the inside of a volcano before I die. How awesome would that be!?

8. What is your favorite food? That's a tough one...I'd have to say dessert. Dessert is an awesome food.

9. Who would win in a fight: The Terminator or George Washington? Washington, hands down. He defeated the British Army simply by crossing a river. I saw the painting, it must be true.

10. Do you like to read? What is your favorite book? Yes! I love to read! My favorite novel is Mill on the Floss by George Elliot with Dog Tricks for Dummies a close second. The only reason Mill on the Floss wins out is because the author is actually a woman. Pseudonyms are awesome.



Be sure to vote for how 'Crane should pay for his crime, and if you have any alternative forms of punishment you'd like to see him go through, be sure to post it below!

In all seriousness, Crane has an idea for his spotlight that he REALLY wants to do. I'm giving him the chance to do it and do it right. I'm have faith that whatever it is he does, it will be funny, or something I can easily make fun of. His GTKAG segment will be posted ASAP, but it will not be until sometime next week. Please be patient, and stay classy Team 9000.


I iz sad :foreveralone:

Anyways, I'll respect your decision to rap battle the homeless for money to give to the homeless. :3

Hilarious! When are you going to highlight some girl gamers, Moon? XD

Squeebz should be in the next poll.
Because she's just that awesome

I regret to inform you all that this week's "Get to Know a Gamer" must be delayed. NewspaperCrane is supposed to be highlighted in this week's segment, but he is too busy rap battling homeless people for their money to donate to homeless people. He did send me this message, asking me to "lie your [Moondoggy23] ass off about the whole situation so I [NewspaperCrane] don't look like a douche." I have already spoken with NewpaperCrane and we will get something done for everyone next week. In the meantime, if you do see him, you are permitted to kick Crane square in the nuts, whereupon he is to say "Oi! 'ello gov'nah! Moity foine weathah we havin' today, eh?" Thankfully, I was able to make up this entire interview on here in about half an hour dig up this wonderful interview I made with another, well-known member of T9K some time ago. So, without further ado, here is my exclusive interview with Awesome Face.


And it's not your fault, Moondoggy.
Crane was just being a lazy noob that decides to watch and sing to Friday, while admiring Rebecca Black's good looks. Don't worry bout it.
I have only a few things to add to this.

1. I may eventually refer to crane as an ill tempered sea bass at least once for a reminder of how he should pay for this delay, ok?

2. I loved this interview with mini-woot/awesome face. It really gives insight into who he really is as a person.

3. I forgot everything else I was going to add, so in the mean time, here is some dubstep.
NewspaperCrane said:
You got it all wrong, I'm rap battling homeless people for their money so I can buy candy for ophans which I will then take away.

Where is the promised epicness?
There will be epicness... its just delayed. Its kind of delayed. I need to go battle this vietnam vet for a steak now. Lates.
mikeymagic said:

There was no mention of a cake... It must be a lie!

On a separate note... I trust crane to bring teh awesomez to teh worlds!