Get to Know a Gamer: Squeebz

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Wanna pit my chicken and your parrot into a fight with each other?

Or my guinea pig.

Pedro would kill them. XD
We want the true story and we want it fast!

P.s yay for being up there, although tones of you already think you know me haha
Believe it or not, Godlib and I actually met online through my sister. She knew him (Online) for around 8 years, and one day they were talking and she introduced us. He lived in Jacksonville, FL and I lived in Orlando, FL (About a 142miles away) It took about six months of talking before we actually realized that there may actually be something. We started talking on the phone daily, more than we actually needed too. Then plans were made , he was finally going to make the trek with some friends to meet me and my sister for the first time. To date I have never been so nervous, I actually chewed my gum into liquid while I was waiting for him to pull up in my driveway. This part is kind of hard for me to talk about because it still hurts 7 years later, the worst part of a long distance relationship after you first meet that person is when they leave. Never in my life have I ever felt like my heart was ripped from my chest. It only took three times, after that my parents offered him a room in our house and he took it. (That was around the end of 2005) We've lived together ever since and have only been apart so few times you could count on one hand. I have many theories why we've lasted so long, the simplest one is there is no one else in the world who is able to tolerate either of us. We're proof that there is hope for people who take long distance relationships seriously and are willing to sacrifice and work for what they really want in the end.
Ahhh I want a controller like that. Hey casham, where can I buy one of those? Money isn't an option for me
Believe it or not, Godlib and I actually met online through my sister. She knew him (Online) for around 8 years, and one day they were talking and she introduced us. He lived in Jacksonville, FL and I lived in Orlando, FL (About a 142miles away) It took about six months of talking before we actually realized that there may actually be something. We started talking on the phone daily, more than we actually needed too. Then plans were made , he was finally going to make the trek with some friends to meet me and my sister for the first time. To date I have never been so nervous, I actually chewed my gum into liquid while I was waiting for him to pull up in my driveway. This part is kind of hard for me to talk about because it still hurts 7 years later, the worst part of a long distance relationship after you first meet that person is when they leave. Never in my life have I ever felt like my heart was ripped from my chest. It only took three times, after that my parents offered him a room in our house and he took it. (That was around the end of 2005) We've lived together ever since and have only been apart so few times you could count on one hand. I have many theories why we've lasted so long, the simplest one is there is no one else in the world who is able to tolerate either of us. We're proof that there is hope for people who take long distance relationships seriously and are willing to sacrifice and work for what they really want in the end.
*wipes tear* so... touching... *sniff*
Believe it or not, Godlib and I actually met online through my sister. She knew him (Online) for around 8 years, and one day they were talking and she introduced us. He lived in Jacksonville, FL and I lived in Orlando, FL (About a 142miles away) It took about six months of talking before we actually realized that there may actually be something. We started talking on the phone daily, more than we actually needed too. Then plans were made , he was finally going to make the trek with some friends to meet me and my sister for the first time. To date I have never been so nervous, I actually chewed my gum into liquid while I was waiting for him to pull up in my driveway. This part is kind of hard for me to talk about because it still hurts 7 years later, the worst part of a long distance relationship after you first meet that person is when they leave. Never in my life have I ever felt like my heart was ripped from my chest. It only took three times, after that my parents offered him a room in our house and he took it. (That was around the end of 2005) We've lived together ever since and have only been apart so few times you could count on one hand. I have many theories why we've lasted so long, the simplest one is there is no one else in the world who is able to tolerate either of us. We're proof that there is hope for people who take long distance relationships seriously and are willing to sacrifice and work for what they really want in the end.

so cute n_n

that was touching in many ways. :')