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GibsonSGKing Guest-->Cool


New Member
I'm rather new to the server, but have been playing minecraft (both creative and survival) since the very beginnings, and have even hosted and managed some servers of my own. Anyhow, here are some things I did quick in the space of ~3 hours total :p

As you can see, I started building a 3d model of Pewter City from Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. However, I quickly got frustrated with griefers after rebuilding it twice, and gave up :p

I then made a Pikachu sprite (small, but accurate to the original games), a giant tetris model (I think I might make it 3d later, don't know though), and a lumpy rainbow :p

I really wish i could have put some more time and attention to detail into the Pewter City, but it just wasn't going to happen... Anyhow, there it is :p
Thank you for your time :)
You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to the next rank, but keep up the good work! Feel free to continue posting your work to this thread, and we'll continue to review it over time.

Even though you haven't been promoted yet, keep in mind that it is our top priority to protect all of our user's creations safe from griefers. Even if you are only guest rank, we still try our best to keep the guest worlds clean and safe for everyone.

Deadmau5 logo :]

I wanted it to be big, but still have that 8-bit kind of look

I believe I'll try and make it a little bit 3d looking :)

Bullet Bill!!! :D

I hit the build limit.... I didn't think it would get quite that high :(
I'd really like if an admin or someone could move it so that I can keep building it, I rather enjoyed it :D