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going out to all pro+...


hi all you pros epics and possibly even owners!!

i was wondering and i bet others are too what it is like to be a pro/epic/owner. this thread is NOT for people who want to state their issues it is for pro+ only and anyone who wants to say something INTELLIGENT!!!!!!!

thanks guys!
>Wants people to speak intelligent about fantasizing about having a high rank in team9000

Anyways, it sucks ass. I was never a high rank here but I use to own a server that had a little over 70 active members and it sucked pretty bad most of the time. It was alright the first few weeks but after about 2 months the feeling kinda died down. People constantly ask you to do things outside of your ability range. Oh and who could forget the endless people asking for ranks or asking what it's like to be owner. It really is not all that it is cracked up to be. I am perfectly content as a builder :D
I'm a builder on Team9000, but I was in staff positions on other servers with 100+ players on at any time, for a few years. It makes for some interesting experiences.

You're often (90% of the time) running all over the place fixing grief and blockspam. When you're not being called to fix grief or whatever, you're usually watching the chat, tp'ing to players who need help, disciplining trolls and griefers who don't even respond to you half the time, answering questions about the server, telling people how to rank up every minute or so, breaking up fights between users, muting trolls and spammers, promoting staff and having other people getting jealous because they haven't got a rank too, explaining why so-and-so got a rank and they didn't, having staff wanting a higher rank faster and faster, sorting through promotion applications, moderating the server's forums, and doing whatever else is needed of you on a day to day basis.

It never ends, either. Day in and day out this is what admins do for months or years at a time. You don't get paid either. Not everyone can do it, and that's why only mature players are promoted to any staff or staff support rank. It's also why staff can hide from builders and below on team9000. They don't want bugged every dang minute and want to at least try to enjoy the game.

In short, it is as Casham said:
time consuming.
I can speak from the experience running my own server for a year. Its quite the process especially building a server up from just Two players to a staff team of 30 people. Its tough to run a 24/7 server when your just starting out because when your not online no one is there to ban griefers and help guests. Every day when you get on you know your going to enter a griefed nightmare, and be forced to do ban cleanup for 45 minutes before you can get on to reviewing players.

From the standpoint of the owner, the biggest challenge starting out is how to structure your staff ranks so that people are rewarded for the ability, power is limited and in check, and every rank is as valuable as the rank above it. I did this by limiting commands to certain ranks, giving expanded permissions as you rank aswell as new commands to master along the way. That way although a rank may be able to ban they are only banning either the lowest rank which mostly tends to be spammers and griefers, and where the rank above it is in charge of moderating the issues between ranked players, as well as watching over the mods below them.

An exmaple of how i tried to keep power in check this is how i structured my staff ranks, I just wanted to add this example in because it worked very well for me and if anyone can benefit from the ideas then thats great.

Staff Rank 1: Kick Only (Introduction with limited power to moderate but enough to be a valued member of the community with room to learn)
Staff Rank 2: Ban Mute Freeze (Second staff rank and truly the official Moderator Spends their time banning guest griefers aswell as Being a role model for the rank below them)
Staff Rank 3: Promote/Demote *they were responsible for promoting and demoting players as well as handling disputes between the lower staff ranks reporting problems and even suggesting players to look into to become new staff member)
Staff Rank 4: World Commands and Zone Commands (They were repsonsible for making sure zones were correct and making new world when necessary, as long as helping solve staff disputes fromt he rank below them and helping evaluate lower ranked staff members)
Staff Rank 5 Expanded permissions (They worked directly with the owners to solve major staff disputes and server wide problems as well as helped promote staff members)
Owner: Watched over al users and all staff.

As Pasaria said, being on page one can be a challenge when you get 2,500 visitors a day, on those days it is not uncommon to get 100 bans a day. Sometimes your the only mod on with over 100 players for hours. It takes alot of patience to moderate on days like that because you need to worry about reviewing players, banning griefers, taking care of trolls aswell as answering questions and keeping guests happy.

The thing that i loved about running a server is watching guests who join go through our non staff ranks and prove they are capable and willing to help out the server. Being able to give players their first chance at staff made my day watching them work so hard to benefit our server, i also loved when A mod or admin would prove themselves as someone who mastered their commands as well as mastered their understanding of how and when a command would be used. I really did love promoting staff who deserved it because it gave me a good feeling when i knew talented people were getting a chance to do more for the server.

Im very lucky i leanred how to be a mod from watching the awesomes on team9000 when i was a builder, although i started my server before i reached engineer i learned so much from the very talented moderators on team9000. Thats what i wanted for my server, is to have very talented mods that would lead by example and have a respected position that they earned that meant something too them. When i was promoted to engineer i was still new to my server but already learning the mod+ commands on my own which i felt was very helpfull. a few months after i got awesome in December i took some time off of team9000 to focus heavly on my server and during that time period i learned so much about what it meant to be responsible for a server. I feel like a completely different mod now that i have truly experienced how servers function and what makes servers work and what makes them not work.

Taking On these responsibilities is not for everyone, but it builds a ton of character being responsible for training your staff, solving disputes and keeping a server running. It really puts minecraft classic in perspective. I am only an awesome on Team9000 Which i am very happy to be. My Time running my own server has really changed my outlook on being a moderator after it was my responsibility to manage my mods. It also gave me a completely different outlook on the struggles the pros and epics must go through on a daily basis running a server to the scale that Team900 is. With pages of promotion applications, hundreds of guests that always want help and rank, as well as evaluating and promoting the endless supply of builders that play on the server and one day hope to become mods.

I hope people get the chance to work high up in classic servers if they like it, i absolutely love helping out servers at any rank, but the more experience you get the more understanding of your role in your server, as well as the understanding of the roles the higher ranks play in the servers aswell. I hope to think i learned life lessons in teamwork, and problem solving that will help me in a real life work environmental aswell,

I hope my incoherent rambling of my personal experiences running a server is of some kind of value to someone, sorry if you only wanted Team9000 Pros / Epics to post.